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Sep 23, 2022, 6 tweets

#MintPrimer | Russia's partial mobilization of reservists, announced on Wednesday by President Vladimir Putin, makes it clear that the war in Ukraine is far from over.

(@MattooShashank reports)

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#MintPrimer | Russia's defence minister estimates that around 300,000 soldiers will be called into service in the first wave of mobilization.

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#MintPrimer | Ukrainian President Zelensky's troops have taken back territory in northeastern and southern Ukraine.

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#MintPrimer | Experts believe that with winter approaching, Russian logistics problems will only worsen.

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#MintPrimer | A lengthy war will dent hopes of a steady economic recovery.

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#MintPrimer | The energy stand-off between the EU and Russia could send prices spiralling if Moscow refuses to sell oil at European rates.

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