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Sep 23, 2022, 10 tweets

💷 In a radical package of tax cuts, Chancellor Kwasi Kwarteng has:

🔴 Brought forward a cut to the basic rate of income tax cut
🔴 Slashed National Insurance contributions
🔴Abolished additional rate of income tax

How much will #MiniBudget save you?…

📰 Mr Kwarteng announced that the 1pc cut to the basic rate of income tax – first announced by former Chancellor Rishi Sunak – will be brought forward by one year…

📰 This means that from April 2023, basic-rate taxpayers will pay 19pc in income tax, down from 20pc.

According to Mr Kwarteng this works out as an average tax saving of £170 next year for 31 million people…

💷 Ahead of his mini-Budget, Mr Kwarteng confirmed that he was cancelling the 1.25 percentage point increase imposed by Rishi Sunak to pay for social care and dealing with the NHS backlog…

🏥 Mr Kwarteng said he would also be scrapping the planned Health and Social Care Levy which was due to come into effect next April and raise around £13bn a year…

🏠The Chancellor also has lifted 200,000 people out of paying tax on buying property in a radical overhaul of the stamp duty system…

🏠With immediate effect the Government has increased the threshold above which stamp duty must be paid on the purchase of residential properties in England and Northern Ireland from £125,000 to £250,000…

🏠The threshold at which first-time buyers begin to pay duty will increase from £300,000 to £425,000, and the maximum value of a property on which first-time buyers relief can be claimed will also increase, from £500,000 to £625,000…

⚡️You can also see how much the energy price guarantee will save on your utility bills…

🧮 How much will you save after National Insurance, stamp duty and income tax cuts?

Find out more on our tax calculator here:…

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