Mathew Crawford Profile picture
MetaPrep Education Group LLC Rounding the Earth

Sep 24, 2022, 8 tweets

I am collecting evidence that in late 2020 in some nations, #iatrogenocide resulted in a false COVID-19 mortality wave to generate the appearance of consistency with a vaccine-mortality wave.

In Greece, in the two weeks before and after the outset of vaccination, there is a pull back effect on mortality, like perhaps hospitalized people near death were just...made to die. After that excess mortality begins piling up.

In fact, that was essentially the start of the pandemic for Greece since they used early treatment and did not panic in early 2020, despite proximity to Italy.

Why did the early pandemic look so different, with most all of the death occuring among nursing home and mental hospital patients?

Why would that proportion collapse to hard and never return back to anything like what we would expect?

Is it because those were just the easiest sacrificial lambs? People without advocates? Is that what was needed to generate the early fear and the Winter 2020 mortality wave?

Weekly @cdc county data shows that winter was the one and only time when mortality correlated better with the extreme edlerly than with past mortality rates.

I'm going to be reviewing hundreds of bits of evidence of #Iatrogenocide at the #RoundingTheEarth Rumble channel multiple times a week.…

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