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Snow Mexican • Photographer • Golf Addict • Part-time fireman • A Canadian living the dream in South Africa 🇨🇦 🇿🇦

Sep 25, 2022, 5 tweets

The ‘Occupy Democrats Election Fund’ PAC’, run by Omar Rivero, raised $797K from 2021-2022.

They contributed $0 to federal candidates.

And they spent $577k on ‘Fundraising Consultants’.

Would @OccupyDemocrats & @OmarRiverosays care to explain?

This information was from the OpenSecrets website. I also went through their FEC filings. I would urge anyone interested to do the same, with a focus on their disbursements. I also did a search for contributions to candidates, and this came up.

Here's a screen shot from their FEC filing of some of their disbursements to fundraising consultants.

I guess Omar and Occupy Democrats don’t like people looking at their FEC filings and asking questions. I wonder why that is? 🤔

Why did you block me again, Omar? Do you not want to talk about the $250,000 of donation money your PAC received that you gave to Blue Deal LLC, the company owned by you and your brother?

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