Hamish Mitchell Profile picture
Snow Mexican • Photographer • Golf Addict • Part-time fireman • A Canadian living the dream in South Africa 🇨🇦 🇿🇦
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Feb 5 14 tweets 7 min read
1/ Now that the trade wars are over, let’s talk about expanding the Supreme Court. It’s pretty clear the best and brightest on the left overwhelmingly support expansion. Image
2/ Tristan Snell and Brian Tyler Cohen make valid arguments for expansion. Image
Apr 30, 2023 23 tweets 11 min read
1/ If you’ve ever wanted to learn how to navigate a PAC’s FEC filing to see how they’re spending the donation money they receive, here’s a quick and easy step-by-step tutorial.

We’ll be using @ReallyAmerican1’s PAC as an example. 2/ First, go to the FEC.gov website.

(I would recommend doing all of this on a computer, as it’s easier to navigate the site and view all of the info)
Apr 28, 2023 26 tweets 17 min read
UNBELIEVABLE: @ReallyAmerican1’s PAC spent only $647.22 on ads opposing Lauren Boebert in ‘22 & that was back in May/June - nowhere near the midterms.

Meanwhile, the PAC’s treasurer, @JustinAHorwitz, & BrooklynDad @mmpadellan paid themselves over $500K for consulting in ‘21-‘22 Image 2/ The fact that @ReallyAmerican1’s PAC spent so little on ads opposing Lauren Boebert in 2022, while paying themselves huge consulting fees, is appalling IMO. Unfortunately, when you look at the rest of their spending, as you’ll see below, a pattern emerges.
Mar 3, 2023 14 tweets 6 min read
Is JoJoFromJerz a grifter?

Let’s take a look.

Over a year ago, Jo claimed she needed money to fix her fridge, then it was to save her house, and now it’s also to fix & repair her house, including “a new roof, a new furnace, and a new chimney liner”.

What’s next? A new car? JoJo keeps asking for money, yet there’s a glaring lack of transparency about how much she’s actually raised. It seems that once big money started rolling in, she made it harder to tell how much she’s raked in, which appears to easily be in the tens of thousands, if not way more.
Sep 28, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
Why is there a $40,000 disbursement from the Occupy Democrats Election Fund PAC to Mitch McConnell for ‘fundraising/digital’ in their FEC filing on 10/30/20? If this is a ‘clerical error’, it’s the mother of all clerical errors. It’s right there in their FEC filing, and I would recommend everyone go take a look for themselves. If they have an explanation for this, I’d love to hear it.
Sep 25, 2022 5 tweets 3 min read
The ‘Occupy Democrats Election Fund’ PAC’, run by Omar Rivero, raised $797K from 2021-2022.

They contributed $0 to federal candidates.

And they spent $577k on ‘Fundraising Consultants’.

Would @OccupyDemocrats & @OmarRiverosays care to explain? ImageImageImage This information was from the OpenSecrets website. I also went through their FEC filings. I would urge anyone interested to do the same, with a focus on their disbursements. I also did a search for contributions to candidates, and this came up. Image