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None of you are serious. Where is your mask?

Sep 25, 2022, 6 tweets

It’s very disappointing to see the @chandlerchamber endorse known bigot #CharlotteGolla & to validate her extremist agenda of dangerous & hateful ideologies.

I’m sure the companies/orgs represented on their board, many of whom proudly boast DE&I initiatives of their own & even awards/recognition they’ve received, would want to know about this. I’ll get to y’all just as soon as I can. Meanwhile you can always search: #CharlotteGolla

@ToyotaFinancial you’re represented on the board of the @chandlerchamber who just endorsed a bigot who fights to ban books w/ LGBTQ characters/stories. This doesn’t show “Respect for People.” It’s certainly not what @HRC gives awards for. @HRCaz

@SPB_Global you’re represented on the board of the @chandlerchamber who just endorsed a bigot. I appreciate you recognizing the need to “take seriously [your] responsibility to call out & help eradicate inequality & discrimination in all its guises” & thought you’d want to know.

(Meanwhile, if anyone could tag Intel in QT’s that’d be great because… 🤷🏻‍♀️)

Hey #CUSD does anyone have that screenshot of admin (Frank?) saying they’re keeping a list of troublemakers or whatever who speak at their meetings? Do we know if #CharlotteGolla was on there? We all know where some of her paranoia came from but maybe there’s more to it?

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