DropKiwifarms Profile picture
Neurodivergent Kiwifarms Victim. They started it, here to #dropkiwifarms KF intro: https://t.co/lpo0kwsnwX I don't like bigots; other stuff too 🏳️‍⚧️

Sep 26, 2022, 13 tweets

Latest words from Joshua Moon, Owner of Kiwifarms Doxing and Swatting Site

He seems frustrated. Are you frustrated Josh? You could walk away, except for your obsessive need to hurt trans and autistic people with your doxing site :(


Some more details on the woes of Joshua Moon, trying to get kiwifarms back online

More from Joshua Moon, complaining about repos with one of his accounts....

Oh thanks, I was actually looking for the direct link where Joshua Moon was posting, trying to get his hate site back online! Here's our source for the images above"


Joshua Moon trying to use his public kiwifarms cult wallet to pay for the support he needs to get his nazi hate site back online, so he can dox and swat people again, and get back at his enemies who deplatformed him.


"If you accept money from us and get put on a list because we're a terrorist stalker cult, tough crap, make my hate site work"

What complete evil.



Source: github.com/oerdnj/deb.sur…

Also thanks for the follow-ups with the info!!!

Yeah you idiots spamming the project makes you look worse. Stop doing it.

And there it is - it always happens. Anyone who tries to stand up to kiwifarms and their doxing and stalking site becomes a potential target to them. This is one of their regulars, they are there every day - now suggesting that someone who disrepected them be made into a lolcow.

Kiwifarms now celebrating that they were able to spam the conversation so much the owner locked it. They used their telegram chat to organize the raid, of course. They tell you they have rules 'not to touch' people, but obviously they're just liars.

Some more samples of Joshua Moon himself now stalking the person who dared to stand up to him, and his users now researching this new kiwifarms target, spreading what they think is his google voice number, using @telegram to organize real life harassment, as per usual :(

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