DropKiwifarms Profile picture
Neurodivergent Kiwifarms Victim . Email me your KF News or info endkiwifarms@gmail.com I don't like bigots; so I post a lot of other stuff too 🏳️‍⚧️
Dec 23, 2022 4 tweets 3 min read
As of this morning, GTT is no longer in the list as providing upstream support for kiwifarms, the neo-nazi doxing and stalking website. That just leaves abuse@ntt.net (@ginnttnet) to complain to, and is the netblock for kiwifarms. From @ginnttnet's Acceptable Use Policy. Obviously almost every page on the entire kiwifarms stalking site fits this description. As well, their continued upstream support of this site does look bad for their customer relations, I think. You can send complaints based on these.
Dec 22, 2022 14 tweets 7 min read
Oh you know Joshua Moon, owner of kiwifarms (stalking and doxing site) will never, ever give up. Here's the new list of providers we have to work on - make sure to make complaints to these new supporters of neo-nazis! They're almost deplatformed, let's finish this job. 3 left. And if these three companies want to support a dangerous site - never give up. There's also payment processors, such as paypal (@terrahost uses them, and kiwifarms breaks that AUP too) But just a few hosts left. Let's finish this job deplatforming hate.

Sep 27, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
Looks like I got blocked, I guess my questions were too much for them. ImageImageImageImage He's targeting the wrong person in a conversation, getting all his twitter users to harass. The person in question has made their account protected, I guess because of the upcoming onslaught of people coming to scream lies based on what Ethan had to say. Typical bully troll. Image
Sep 27, 2022 5 tweets 1 min read
No, people will not end themselves over this. Kiwifarms has been hurt badly, we all understand Joshua is doing his best to get his doxing and stalking site back, and we all know we'll have to continue to work to deplatform the cult everywhere. It's fine. Keep clinging to life. What a bunch of completely evil sociopaths.
Sep 27, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
One of the targets of kiwifarms seems to have left the internet because kiwifarms is constantly spreading her home address via telegram and twitter and suggesting swatting - my fault for scaring her? I sent her copies of them doxing her for her harassment case with the police :( She did say thank you, but I feel a lot of this harassment will be my fault. Kiwifarms people are insane - they live to torture people, and I guess this is their plan - point people at victims, and try to use the internet as their weapons to harass a bipolar girl. Nice.
Sep 26, 2022 13 tweets 8 min read
Latest words from Joshua Moon, Owner of Kiwifarms Doxing and Swatting Site

He seems frustrated. Are you frustrated Josh? You could walk away, except for your obsessive need to hurt trans and autistic people with your doxing site :(


Some more details on the woes of Joshua Moon, trying to get kiwifarms back online
Sep 26, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
Joshua Moon used his admin power to post the dox of not just clara, but also other people, to the very top of his site so that others would target her. She IS a victim, and Joshua moon and kiwifarms tried to kill her. Why are you doxing OTHER PEOPLE TOO??? families. children. How many of clara's moderators did you dox, simply because they decided to help her moderate a chatroom? How many of clara's family members did you guys dox, and how many got 'that' phone call? Your cult is sick in the head, stop trying to justify murdering on Joshua Moon's whims
Sep 26, 2022 5 tweets 1 min read
Sigh. No, I just don't want you people using my account to target more of your victims, Luna, that's why I don't post screenshots w/ any other claims that you guys make about me, if they can lead to someone in danger. I save those, email them to the person to try to help them. I mean it's standard tactics for any cult - target the popular accounts that speak out against them, and try to silence them by putting others in danger. In this case, it looks like the target has left the internet though, right? According to that last post you just showed me?
Sep 26, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
Tortuga, a kiwifarms mod, is calling Joshua Moon fat. I mean, he's the leader of a transphobic nazi hate cult trying to destroy the lives of many people, but there's no call to be rude and mean about it. Stick to things like how he's a hate-filled nazi. The person who shares peoples personal information and who hates fat people and calls other people fat as an insult would like to clarify he is not a mod. Sorry, you're in there all day spreading personal info and trying to get people to target someone, thought you were a mod.
Sep 26, 2022 4 tweets 3 min read
Kiwifarms Nazi Cult talking about how they enjoy doxing transgender people. Joshua moon once said the reason he wouldn't stop doxing is because then he thought he'd have to stop deadnaming. his goal is to dox and deadname and kill transgender people, without getting hands dirty. This kiwifarms doxer seems to advertise a github for his doxing group. There's not much there, except this. This could be a misdirect to try to harass someone, keep that in mind - but his public git.
Sep 25, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
If you don't really want to spend as much time watching the nazi hate cult Kiwifarms in their telegram chat as I have to spend, did you know there's a bot API? Bots can do lots of things, like better usage tracking that my poor brain can do. Samples?

core.telegram.org/bots/samples It's not a new idea, I'm sure there's lots of Bots in the Telegram chat by now! Automation is the key to a happy life! Just figured I'd share some helpful links for those not familiar with telegram!

Sep 5, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
Joshua Moon owner of Kiwifarms admits if he has to stay on TOR, he will open source the whole kiwifarms database, oh my, that will expose a lot of people!!!!

This will be interesting.

#dropkiwifarms Image Joshua Moon "We're all fucked, I don't know if you've realized..."

Cult Leader of Kiwifarms - From their telegram chat, seconds ago.

#dropkiwifarms #endkiwifarms Image
Sep 5, 2022 9 tweets 4 min read
The Fall of Kiwifarms - Reactions from Cult Telegram Chat - Uh oh, what was that about being prosecuted for harassing minorities in germany?

It's not over! fiberhub is providing internet + delist from archive.org / wayback / google search to help #endkiwifarms Continued from previous :)