Lazarus Long Profile picture
If you have to say goodbye to your dog, be there in person. Hold them. Don't let them die with just the vet. #CoVidIsAirborne #Masks4All #PZC.

Sep 27, 2022, 12 tweets

Ebola is airborne.

H/T @AeonCoinb for below.

Quick 🧵.…

We are, after all, just evolved primates.…

Cynomolgus macaques - the unfortunate golden primate perfect for respiratory virus transmission studies. CoVid was found to be airborne long before the monkeys at the @CDCgov decided it might be.

Also airborne here.…

Clinical progression includes diarrhea and vomiting.…

Vomiting Larry, seen below, indicates you need to clean up to 24 feet away.

Yeesh. Stuff of nightmares.…

Bioaerosol Sampler captured aerosols during vomiting.…

Not going to bother with diarrhea, except to say Ebola virus has been found in stool samples, and toilet flushing has been amply studied and proven to generate infectious aerosols.

Moving on.

Next, is a study by Dr. @brosseau_lisa. She has forgotten more about airborne transmission than most will learn in 10 lifetimes.…

So, is Ebola airborne?

It is possible, plausible, probable, and yes, certainly airborne via aerosols.

If you screenshot this, and cry it is not? Then, you need to put down the ID textbook, and pick up an Aerosol textbook.


Put on a face shield, and go volunteer in Uganda.

A face shield will stop all droplets.

Another group of scientists invented another Vomiting Larry to test aerosols.

A million aerosols spewed out. At least 13,000 virus aerosols (virusols) included.




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