Pat McAfee Profile picture
Dad. Husband. Entrepreneur. ESPN Sellaht. LIVE M-Fri 12-3ishEST. Kicked off a SuperBowl. Undefeated at WrestleMania. @CollegeGameDay’s on Saturdays in the fall.

Sep 27, 2022, 11 tweets


"Let's go right to the tape" ~@aqshipley


"This is my favorite play on the tape" ~@aqshipley


"Watch what this does to the defense" ~@aqshipley


"The big boys in Detroit are doing a fantastic job this year" ~@aqshipley


"The Bears have an unbelievable run game" ~@aqshipley


"Using a fullback gives your offense unlimited options" ~@aqshipley


"Watch these guys move off the ball" ~@aqshipley


"Bruce Arians used to run the shit out of this play" ~@aqshipley


"The Jags are doing an unbelievable job up front" ~@aqshipley


"Watch Trent Williams ABSOLUTELY throw the nose guard" ~@aqshipley

BOOM 💥💥 #PMSLive

"These two are STEAMROLLING" ~@aqshipley


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