California Fast Food Workers Union Profile picture
Fast food workers organizing for racial and economic justice in the industry and to rewrite the rules. 1st statewide Fast Food Council and $20/hr for fast food.

Sep 27, 2022, 8 tweets

BREAKING: @ChickfilA workers in Ventura, CA are ON STRIKE.

After our co-worker began organizing to end the illegal wage theft at this location, Chick Fil A fired her.

Not on our watch. We demand the reinstatement of our co-worker. #UnionsForAll

This comes after @CAGovernor signed #AB257 to create a Fast Food Council for over half a million workers like us

Billion dollar fast food corps aren't publicly prepared to obey the law, they're spending millions to overturn it and take away our seat at the table. Enraging!

"As soon as I started working @ChickfilA - I noticed that they didn't give us our legally required 10-minute breaks. They told me that it doesn't exist here... When I started talking about our rights and organizing my colleagues. They fired me." Elizabeth Arellano

The reinstatement of our co-worker isn't the only reason we strike today. California passed COVID-19 Supplemental Paid Sick Leave, and @ChickfilA isn't following the law. This store suffers from severe understaffing, and as happens so often is in fast food, gender discrimination.

All of our issues are connected

Regardless of if we work in Ventura County, or Sacramento, if we work for @ChickfilA or @McDonalds, fast food workers have suffered through crises for our entire careers

We didn't create the crises in the fast food industry, but we will end them.

"I’m a Christian and I thought this was a Christian job, however after working here I noticed that I didn’t see those values implemented in how they treat their employees." Edith Villegas, on strike today after working for @ChickfilA for 6 years. #AB257

"The issues we're on strike for is why we need the Fast Food Council more than ever. We won’t be intimidated by corporations that try to silence us and keep us from making our workplace better- we’re here to say we won’t back down." Jonathan Elizarraraz,striking @ChickfilA worker

As our bosses prepare to fight us at the ballot box, we’re moving forward to keep building our movement and create a Fast Food Council. If you’re a fast food worker or know one in California, sign up to join our movement:… #AB257

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