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Visionary! my vision is scary 😶 ONDC Enthusiast. Cringe Jokes Writer.

Sep 27, 2022, 7 tweets

NFTs on Solana are simply just some SPL-Tokens. But what makes them special from other tokens? Few things... #Day11 #Solana #NFTs

1. Max Supply - The max supply of such tokens is restricted to 1. Which means at any time, there won't exist more than 1 such token.

2. Decimals - These tokens can't be fractionalized. Their decimals property is set to 0.

You can't send someone 0.5 NFT right? as compared to sending someone 0.5 Sols or some other token.

3. Mint Authority - While minting an NFT, initially the payer is set as mint authority for the concerned token.

However, Before the trx ends, a new account is created and made the mint and freeze authority for the token ensuring it can't be minted ever again.

Most importantly they have some metadata attached to them.

A PDA which uses NFTs mint as a seed phrase is used to store its metadata.

Candy Machine is a special type of machine/program developed by @metaplex to help in minting NFTs on Solana.

SUGAR CLI, also built by them makes the process of uploading NFTs on-chain super easy 🤌

Took a step further and created my own NFTs 🫡 Haha feels good seeing them. My goal is to let others mint my NFTs by just scanning a QR code. Will look how I can achieve that. Calling it a day. It keeps getting better 🥰

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