Visionary! my vision is scary 😶 ONDC Enthusiast. Cringe Jokes Writer.
Sep 27, 2022 • 7 tweets • 4 min read
NFTs on Solana are simply just some SPL-Tokens. But what makes them special from other tokens? Few things... #Day11#Solana#NFTs1. Max Supply - The max supply of such tokens is restricted to 1. Which means at any time, there won't exist more than 1 such token.
Sep 27, 2022 • 5 tweets • 2 min read
Spent the last few days building my own token-minter application using Next and Chakra-UI.
Got to learn why we can't simply use inbuilt functions to build trxs when we need to send them to the user's wallet for approval.
3. Transferring tokens from user's acc ➡️ receiver's acc ✅
4. Checking Available Token in one's acc ✅
Sep 20, 2022 • 7 tweets • 3 min read
The curious case of using offset values with data slice property 🤔 #Solana#Day8#offset
dataSlice is used to literally slice 🔪 the returned data buffer.
Let's say you have a dataBuffer in which the first 8bytes are storing data you don't need. So, we can slice that from all the data and then carry out operations on the remaining data. Optimized much? 🤌
Sep 19, 2022 • 8 tweets • 4 min read
Analogy: You can either buy all the potatoes and then decide what potatoes to use for making 🍟 or you can filter out the good potatoes while purchasing them. In either case the fries will be made of good 🥔 #Day7#Solana#filtering
Sorry 😛, stay with me. Here purchasing 🥔 refer to fetching accounts data using 2 approaches:
1. Fetching all acc. without any data (just their pubKeys) ~ (purchasing all)
2. Filtering what acc. to fetch, before fetching them without any data ~ (filtering before buying)