Jared Wesley Profile picture
federally-funded, provincially-paid #UAlberta political scientist\ Black Faculty Collective\ lead @cgroundpolitics & Viewpoint Alberta

Sep 29, 2022, 7 tweets

Alright. Since Edmonton City Council is sticking its neck out for active transportation (including bike lanes) I'm making a commitment to commute responsibly this entire year. +

Some stats: I live approx. 6km from work. I have a home office and an employer who requires me to be "in the office" 2 days per week (to teach). If I go into the office more than that, it's by choice. I love my colleagues. I'm lucky. Very lucky.+

I live in the River Valley and my workplace is uphill in the mornings (approx 21 minutes on bike). My commute home is downhill (15 minutes). +

Transit is an option (bus to LRT). But it's about 3 times as long as it takes me to bike. +

In the summer months, I bike to work 4/5 days per week. This involves 9km each way, factoring in my kids' day camp drop-off and pick-up. (Yes, they biked to camp, too.)+

During the school year, I can half that distance (~12km total per day). I drop kids off at 830 and pick up at 330.

I bike for 4 reasons: exercise, cost, efficiency (time), and environment.+

I've never biked in winter before, so this will be challenging.+

I will log my thoughts in this thread. Is it worth the hassle? What seasonal adjustments will I make? Will I cave and stay home or drive my car in the winter? Stay tuned to find out. #yegbike

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