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Spent 17 years on the frontlines of finance. Now building something new

Sep 29, 2022, 6 tweets

1- #ConnectingTheDots Checking on the US Consumer

Today we got Initial Jobless Claims, a lead datapoint for the evolution of Unemployment

They went DOWN

2- Near-term credit card data suggests spending HELD UP through September - no sign of any deceleration at all

3- This is corroborated by recent trends in airfares...

4- ...and hotel bookings


5- Further out, the outlook remain positive. Example Detail from Richmond Fed Manufacturing survey

Wage plans for 6 months from now remain elevated, despite a MUCH deteriorated business outlook

Why? Businesses are desperate for staff

6- Summary: Many recent datapoints continue to suggest the US consumer is in good shape

The intense adjustments necessary to rebalance the US economy will be most acutely felt in corporate profits, and abroad


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