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Often tired, always anti-fascist. Keeping an eye on the local chuds, fascists, and transphobes. Tips? DM or yawningsnorlax@proton.me

Sep 29, 2022, 15 tweets

1/ 🧵#NorthCowichan #Chemainus we need to talk about town council candidate Charles Borg. Charles Borg is an anti-vaxxer, anti-masker, member of fascist organization Veterans4Freedom, and supports notorious far right extremist Jeremy MacKenzie.

Your first hint is that here he is sharing conspiratorial content about digital ID and the CCP from far-right “news” source TNC, from his official campaign facebook page. But that’s just the tip of the iceberg. 2/

Charles Borg recently did a video on the Veterans4Freedom facebook page where talked a little about himself. Let’s take a look. 3/

Borg is an anti-vaxxer who was drummed out of the military for refusing to take the COVID vaccine. He is also an anti-masker who refers to masks as “face diapers” 4/

Borg said that he is running in order to “take back” the councils, legislature, and House of Commons in Ottawa. 5/

Incidentally, V4F has previously issued a video where they outline their plans to gain ipower through infiltrating the government at all levels with “patriotic bureaucrats.” I’m not exaggerating when I call them fascist.

Also a lot of the V4F telegram feed is just reposts from Jeremy MacKenzie (Raging Dissident) or Ferryman’s Toll, aka Alex Vriend, a neo-Nazi who as far as I know is not a veteran.

antihate.ca/holocaust_deni… 7/

A “Charles Borg” also donated $100 to the Jeremy MacKenzie legal defense fund. While in the absence of an admission or another GSG hack it is impossible to conclusively prove that these are the same people, the circumstantial evidence is overwhelming. 8/

Given that Charles Borg is a member of V4F, V4F is currently promoting Jeremy MacKenzie’s fundraiser, which is run by V4F steering committee member Andrew McGillvary, and “Charles Borg” is a distinctive name, this is almost certainly the same person. 9/

While this donation was made before Jeremy made the news for threatening to rape Anaida Poilievre or got arrested on a Canada-wide warrant, Jeremy is a far-right extremist with multiple weapons charges who regularly threatens people on his podcast, and who is 10/

alleged to have beat his girlfriend in Saskatchewan.

Jeremy is also the de facto leader of Diagolon. Four members of Diagolon are facing charges for conspiracy to murder RCMP officers at the Coutts blockade.
cbc.ca/news/canada/ca… 11/

Even before Jeremy made his disgusting comments about Anaida Poilievre, he was a violent extremist scumbag. #NorthCowichan council candidate Charles Borg saw this and decided to financially support him. 12/

Borg also admits to being a member of Police on Guard, another far-right organization, before he joined V4F. Interestingly, it looks like PoG scrubbed all mention of former official partner MacKenzie from their website recently. 13/

Fortunately, resistance against fascism is not futile. For residents of #NorthCowichan, it starts with making sure that extremist group member Charles Borg does not get onto city council on Oct. 15

(ok, I can't resist the Star Trek joke)

#cowichan #chemainus #bcpoli 14/

For more information on Charles Borg and "freedom" candidates running in #NorthCowichan, check out these articles by @lpynn



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