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Author, consultant, motivational speaker. Biggest social media slut in mobile. A mAd vidiot, F1 fan, globetrotting digital gypsy 007 wannabe. The T Dawg

Sep 30, 2022, 13 tweets

I've told you that the fastest path to take Trump to prison is the NY Tax Fraud path (= Weisselberg Path). In it Michael Cohen was convicted
Allen Weisselberg just pleaded guilty
Trump kids go to trial next year
And Trump in 2024
This is the CIVIL part, with criminal charges next

So please understand. NY Tax Fraud (Weisselberg Path) is the FASTEST way to take Trump to prison. And as NY AG Letitia James runs a 'fast track' in this case, even then Trump will be tried last, his kids tried next. & this means Trump own trial is likely in year 2024. Civil trial

The NY AG has already told us in court filings, that there were crimes also she found - out of the 2 million pages of fraudulent financial records she has that caused Trump accountant Weisselberg to flip. So yes, this NY civil case WILL RESULT in criminal charges on Trump too

It is EXACTLY the same pattern on all other 5 paths to Trump to prison:
Path 2 Giuliani (Ukraine)
Path 3 Matt Gaetz (selling pardons)
Path 4 Roger Stone (Jan 6th)
Path 5 Tom Barrack (in court now)
Path 6 Mark Meadows (Espionage-A-Lago)

The Mafia boss is always tried LAST

If you were thinking Trump should be behind bars already, I hear you, but I told you last year, no, the FASTEST path to take Trump to prison is the easiest crime to prove, out of the oldest crime they have investigated = NY taxes = Weisselberg

Tom Barrack is SECOND fastest path

I know many are thinking Georgia! We have him on a recorded phone calls? Or January 6th! We saw it live on TV! Or Mar-A-Lago? FBI recovered 103 classified documents from Trump home including his desk.

Criminal investigations of CONSPIRACIES do not work like that. Takes time

The DOJ will only get ONE chance to take any perp to trial on any crime. Only ONE chance. If they mess it up in any way, the criminal gets to walk and may never be tried again on that crime again (see Bill Cosby)

That is why DOJ seems so slow. They are METICULOUS. This is good


Look at Oleg Deripaska indictment yesterday. That was FBI raid from 2021. The indictment was made 6 months after FBI raid on a SIMPLE crimal conspiracy. Then indictment was sealed for 5 months more. This is because FBI doesn't want to warn the other criminals

Every one of those #Trumpomobsters FBI raided, will be criminally charged - AND tried - AND go to prison

Michael Cohen surrendered 4 months after FBI raid
Deripaska was indicted 6 months after FBI raid
Giuliani started to negotiate plea bargain 7 months after FBI raid (no deal)

So consider those FBI raids we heard of, not just Trump Mar-A-Lago but before that

John Eastman
Diet Dutchess of Dr Pepper Sidney Powell
Congressman Scott Perry
My Pillow Guy
Attorneys Without Pants: Jeffrey Clark

Each will be indicted but some will be under seal like Deripaska

Do not be guided by any thought of 'but I want Trump in prison so he won't run in 2024'. That is silly because legally a convict IS ALLOWED TO RUN for President. In EVERY state. Some barbaric vengeful states will not allow convicts to VOTE, but they can still run for President

The wheels of justice grind slow, but they grind incredibly fine. Trump is CERTAIN to go to prison, and serve multiple life sentences. He will be convicted on both federal and state crimes, so with state crimes, he cannot even be pardoned by any future President


If you did not know the 6 Paths to take Trump to prison, they are all at this link, here:

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