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CBS News Congressional Correspondent -- Syracuse Univ Alum -- 90's R&B superfan

Sep 30, 2022, 11 tweets


Justice Dept to seek prison time for the Munn family of Texas in Jan 6 case.

30 days for mom and dad: Dawn & Thomas Munn

21 days for their three kids: Joshua, Kayli, Kristi

Family spent more than 50 minutes inside Capitol



Dawn Munn, 57, a nurse was accused of entering private Senate conference room and allegedly "bragged privately and publicly to other users about being in the Capitol building and having stormed the building"

Feds to seek 30-days jail



Thomas Munn, 55, is a US Army veteran

Feds say: "In social media posts in the days following Jan 6, (he) falsely claimed that there had been no violence at the Capitol and very little damage to the building"

Surveillance image appears to show him smoking inside



Joshua Munn, 25, is a janitor, who's moved away from family to Wisconsin

Feds say he blamed law enforcement, citing message: "I am still feeling the teargas so ya I'm pissed.. It was all over the Capitol building they used it in the hallway to try and keep us out"



Kristi Munn, 30, is a nurse. Seen wearing Trump banner inside

Feds: Photo shows her recording scene of mob from her position inside private Senate conference room.. and she allegedly posted on Jan 7: "Tear gas tastes like freedom.. #TrumpIsMyPresident



Kayli Munn, 20, is a college student

Security cam video shows her in a camo jacket .. as her father helps her enter Capitol thru a broken window. In seeking leniency, she's presented copies of accolades from West Texas A&M Univ


Court filings say a third daughter (under 18) was at Capitol with the family.


Dawn Munn seeks leniency at sentencing, says this in letter to court:

"As of yet, there has not been a definite answer to my question, on the accuracy of the vote, so a question does remain. I do acknowledge that the vote was certified & Pres Biden was inaugurated on Jan 20..."

Dawn Munn characterizes trip to DC as "senior trip" for her two graduating daughters

"Upon waking on Nov 4th..finding out the results of the Presidential election with so many irregularities & mathematical impossibilities, it raised the question of the integrity of our election"

Sentencing was originally scheduled for today.. but is now rescheduled for Oct 12

In a footnote in one of the 100s of pages of filings in case, Justice Dept notes: "It does appear from the video that the family helped pick up trash while in the Visitor Center area."

Dawn Munn letter to court: "In early January, I discovered a stimulus check had been deposited into our checking account. The family talked had about a trip to Washington D.C. to see the President
speak and to see our nation’s history..."

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