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Oct 1, 2022, 13 tweets

All Protocol Observed

Welcome to Issue 102 of The Continent.

Cover story: In the hypocrisy of climate geopolitics, the trade-off is simple. African countries are expected to toe the global north’s line, in exchange for cash.

But the cash never arrives, even as Africa is forced to do as it is told. Leaders smile for the cameras at climate negotiations before going home to countries that cannot develop. This dynamic must change. African countries need to do it their own way. Fast.

Inside issue 102

Somalia: Al Shabaab is on the back foot.

South Africa: Stalingrad or stalling grandad — Zuma’s comeback.

Nigeria: Meet Peter Obi, the outsider who just might be president.

Cameroon: How women are driving agriculture in the north.

Prayer or prophylaxis: our public health messaging fail in this week’s @afrobarometer graph.

Review: The #WomanKing gives Africa a visually spectacular hero movie.

Eritrea: Still Africa’s worst jailer of journalists.

This is the last edition of this season. Sometimes, news can be overwhelming – to read as well as to report. We all deserve a break. That’s why we take regular publication pauses to make sure that we can keep doing this for the long haul.

Look out for our next edition, Issue 103, on 6 November 2022.


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