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Oct 1, 2022, 5 tweets

OK, found it.

The set dynamics are complex, but the principle is straightforward.

When a death cert lists Cancer as the UCoD and Covid as MCoD - the UCoD & MCoD are being swapped, and Covid is being listed as the UCoD 100% (425/wk).

This results in 20% of all Covid deaths each week, also happening to be persons dying of Cancer - which is egregiously higher than it should be.

This is clear over-attribution = equates to exactly the difference between the Cancer and All Other ICD-10 code lag curves.


The problem facing the CDC, is therefore twofold:

1. How to hide this now that the CFR is half that of H1N1 (normal cold CFR)

2. What does one do when Covid Mortality is no longer substantial enough to conceal the excess Cancer Mortality?

Get the popcorn ready... 🍿 🤓

Clarified/corrected version of chart, 1.1

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