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Medium smart award-winning journalist, alt-right Oprah, alleged "You Tuber," who will stop talking about hair for 💰 tips.

Oct 2, 2022, 8 tweets

So many girls with rapid onset gender dysphoria are being misdiagnosed and medically abused. This isn't just an age limit problem it is a standard of care problem. Much more care is required before medically transitioning so this does not happen. Affirming care is negligence.

such an important story

Why aren't voices like Sinead Watson amplified by @wsuares? Why does Fox25 only talk to parents of gender dysphoric kids instead of detransitioners?

Follow her.

She's also very VERY funny. Several 😂 moments here. "Let that sink in for a bit"

Oh, Sinead. Preach. Women and girls deserve safety and separation from dicks. All of this is an assault on children. It has to stop. 🛑 #RespectMySex

The scary thing is, do therapists even exist who won't push for transition? Are they allowed to do talk therapy instead? I've heard horror stories and I wouldn't trust "therapists."

The internet and social media is causing a social contagion. Do not give your children unmonitored access to it. Remove the contagion.

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