Megan Fox Profile picture
Medium smart award-winning journalist, alt-right Oprah, alleged "You Tuber," who will stop talking about hair for 💰 tips.
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Nov 12, 2024 7 tweets 3 min read
My daughter was given an assignment to write a paper on inequality. She chose men in women's sports. Her professor has informed her she can't use that topic. She may write about the inequality that trans women face in sports but not the inequality women face because of "trans women" in sports. Make that make sense. Wow, this seems to have touched a nerve. A few things:
1. It's college sociology and it's a required class
2. My daughter isn't interested in blowing up her relationship with her professor in the beginning of the year if she doesn't have to
3. I will not give anyone the name of the school or the professor because the last thing we need here are accusations of "harassment" which is exactly what will happen if I do that. We all know many on the left can't handle free expression and my daughter doesn't need a target on her back because of who her mom is.
4. Thank you for all the offers to help. My daughter is taking some of you up on that and I'll keep you updated about how it goes.

College shouldn't be like this but it is. And hopefully, we can get some effort in the next four years to encourage intellectual freedom.
Dec 18, 2023 9 tweets 3 min read
I was locked out of a juvenile court hearing today with no explanation other than "I'll have to talk to the lawyers to see if the public may observe the hearing." This is how they take kids. Behind closed doors. And they don't care that they're violating open courts. If the state is so proud of how they remove children from their families, then do it in the open. Let us see the evidence they have. Doing it in secret does not engender confidence.
Mar 31, 2023 12 tweets 4 min read
I wrote an article about this last year. She's 100% right. I did the same thing she did traveling alone with my children at a gas station some creep tried to ask me for money. I went off. I don't care if you are desperate, ask a man.… I'm not going to put me and my children at risk to listen to your sob story scam. If you have something important to ask, find a man. Leave women alone in parking lots. We think we're going to be murdered in every single one we visit.
Mar 24, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
I agree 100% with #MarkGeragos here but I worry that today's juries don't care about facts or fairness. They just want revenge. (See Murdaugh and Anderson verdicts). #GwynethPaltrow isn't well-liked and that's going to work against her and that's too bad. It's not justice. What I learned today is the Plaintiff had multiple underlying conditions and injuries that should have precluded him from skiing in the first place. It was very dangerous for him to do so. He took the risk. Then he traveled the world after the fall. He's also very wealthy.
Mar 22, 2023 12 tweets 6 min read
The funniest thing I heard #GwynethPaltrow lawyer say was "I really don't want an objection your honor," when the other lawyer objected during his cross. LOL I cannot stop laughing.
Mar 13, 2023 4 tweets 3 min read
Questions for @Patreon @PatreonSupport Your TOS says nothing illegal can be done (how are you checking?) and if fans are under 18 they need parents' permission to sub to an account. Have you verified if @thejeffreymarsh subs have parental permission? How do you verify this? Marsh is literally teaching kids how to go "No Contact" with their parents. Surely, the parents didn't consent to that. He's also having explicit chats about sex. Someone at @Patreon needs to investigate this account. Please let me know if that's going to happen
Mar 11, 2023 8 tweets 4 min read
Just a quick perusal of the graphic novels the @OIF and American Library Association recommends for teens and just the descriptions alone should tell you what the agenda is. If @GovRonDeSantis wants to know how the books got in his schools, this is how. @ChristinaPushaw Here's their top 10 list for teens. I haven't read these but I guarantee every one of them is inappropriate AF. All of the porn and left-wing programming comes directly from the ALA. A private left-wing group of radical groomers. They have a chokehold on library curation.
Mar 8, 2023 9 tweets 3 min read
CPS worker Caryn Wagner justifying removing children from families over push-ups 😂 Judge wrecks Wagner
Mar 3, 2023 8 tweets 3 min read
Here's a mind-blowing reality. @UHC refuses to pay for therapeutic massage even if ordered by a doctor under the guise that they exclusive "alternative therapies" and they put it in the same category as aromatherapy, dance and pet therapy. I was able to stay out of pain while I was getting weekly massages that I paid for. Now that I can't afford it anymore I'm in extreme pain and nothing else helps. Not meds, not stretching, exercise, nothing. My doctor even will recommend massage therapy but @UHC won't cover it
Feb 19, 2023 10 tweets 5 min read
Still waiting on federal appeals court decision but arguments for allowing a judge to jail children were hysterically bad. @AGAndrewBailey isn't sending his best. Good luck, counselor. #DueProcessNow… Worst argument ever. If this "is something judges do" we need a lot more judges on trial.
Feb 12, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
I really want to know the editor who read this and was like, "Yeah, cool. We don't need any more details or evidence that this happened. PRINT IT!" I spoke to @defango today which was very easy to do, a thing Cashman didn't bother to do until after he tried to make the world think he is some kind of supervillain with the power to remove your brain with an injection. And it's incredibly unfair that a "journalist" did this.
Feb 12, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
If you want to hate your government more than ever, listen to this deposition of CPS worker Karen Wagner: children taken from parents get sexually abused by doctors for an anal exam. This is your government, folks. Sexually abusing kids. "You're telling me that if a child is taken for neglect they'll still do a genital-urinary evaluation?" ...."Yes." WUT.
Feb 10, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
Women do themselves no favors when they refuse to accept responsibility for their own bad choices and instead claim "abuse." They very well may have been abused. But when you turn on the gas and light the match and then get hurt there's a catalyst there and it was you. I am reminded of the great Chrissy Hynde who told a scary story of being assaulted by a biker. But she took some ownership and said she knew she shouldn't have been where she was alone, scantily dressed, and drunk. She contributed to her own abuse. ImageImageImage
Feb 10, 2023 38 tweets 14 min read
Well, he buried the lede just like I said. And while I hated part 1 this one is a little better. It appears he's trying to get evidence. We didn't need the 10k words in part 1 First, this controversy was never about trafficking or wanting to know every detail of EB's past. It's about the censorship of people who asked about it. And if EB would have told this story to Venti instead of threatening her maybe we wouldn't be here.
Feb 7, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
Journalism is not listening to someone's story and repeating it in black and white print with some of your thoughts sprinkled in. That's a diary entry. Journalism is pouring through records, talking to associates, scouring social media on the wayback. It takes months of labor to verify, corroborate, contact the opposition, hear their side, compare notes, and then try to find the truth. What passes for journalism these days is piss-poor. And yet they get paid huge $$ and I'm over here with a dented car I can't fix because
Feb 7, 2023 16 tweets 6 min read
It is my opinion that one only needs to read this far into this piece to get the answer you're looking for about #elizableu. #BelieveEvidence. Put up or shut up Eliza. Trafficking is a crime. "Legal reasons" don't pass the sniff test, dear.… I'm going to give you my live reactions as I read this. Moses on a cracker this is ridiculous. No journalist would accept this bonkers BS. Didn't she write about the musician she was with (MCR) on MySpace? Has anyone just asked him if he trafficked her? Maybe this guy did...
Jan 31, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
The people tweeting out how sure they are #AlexMurdaugh did it must not be watching the same trial I am. The state is not convincing me so far. It is absolutely possible that two killers got away with this. That's reasonable doubt. No one has explained WHY Murdaugh would want his family dead yet. What the heck is the motive? Why didn't he have any blood on him? Whoever shot the son would be covered in it. How were his shoes clean? None of this makes sense. I have many reasonable doubts so far.
Jan 26, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
Just got off the phone with SF Superior Court Clerk's office. They were instructed not to answer any media questions about #PaulPelosi footage and when it will be released. They sent me to media guy who didn't return my call until I left a message saying: "Now I want a quote from the Clerk about why you're not answering media about when you will comply with a court order to release this footage." Suddenly, I got a response. And it's dumber than you can imagine. They claim they are copying CDs
Jan 15, 2023 9 tweets 4 min read
A rant: Over a month ago I ordered author copies of my books from @amazon through @AmazonKDP. First, they don't allow authors to use our prime accounts for shipping so they charge massive shipping prices. The books also don't ship out for 12 days. If I ordered retail it would ship immediately. But when you buy author copies you have to deal with this BS policy. So I order them. I was told they would arrive Jan 9. I have customers waiting on signed copies. Jan 9 comes and goes and I log in to see this Image
Jan 14, 2023 9 tweets 5 min read
I swear to God @NFL I will make it my full-time job to just comment on your stupid footage every week even though I know nothing about football. They rejected fair use. And it is fair use. #CopyrightCucks They didn't strike my Hamlin coverage. Who wants to sue the @NFL for rejecting fair use on a 10 second clip I commented on? @RekietaLaw find me someone! lol
Jan 13, 2023 9 tweets 3 min read
Is this real? ROFL I want the whole thing Also hilarious. "I'll be suing you too." ROFL