Black 107 Percenter Profile picture
Took your spot at Stanvard, and keeping it. Expert generalist. RAS Syndrome survivor. Took 107% of black jobs. Ex of Michelle Leslie Brown from 225 street.

Oct 3, 2022, 9 tweets

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(paywalled so after clicking the link to give the author his coins do what you need to):…

Tulane's admissions rate is .7% ?!?!?! They are competing with @stanvard_u

So many things here make me stabby!!!

I do love that @James_S_Murphy's use of charts allows me to get enraged without having to read every word

James also goes down the private school rabbit hole here in this twitter thread

When @ASPDallas shows up in an article you know it's, as the kids say, fire!

lolz . . . literal lolz

These solutions are interesting but to me this just highlights the conflicts between the business/marketing of higher ed and and the public good/pubic service is profound.

Maybe I should make a curated reading list for each item in this chart...

#CollegeAdmissions #WealthAdvantage

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