Stagg K. Bello Profile picture
Expert generalist. RAS Syndrome survivor. AARP member. Ex of Michelle Leslie Brown from 225 street. Mi Fi Mi
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Jul 1 31 tweets 9 min read
How do we find out who produced an @abcnews segment? @Nightline

#hatewatch coming..… There are so many problems with this story. There is no reporting in this story. They interviewed the wrong people and misframed responses.

@ABC @Nightline Selina Wang, Marjorie McAfee, and Aria Young should be embarrased to call this reporting
Jan 25, 2023 6 tweets 3 min read
BREAKING: @collegeboard just announced that they will the new name for the revised #AP African American Studies The new curriculum will feature readings from Candace Owens, Kanye, John McWhorter, Chet Hanks, Stephen Warren, and Herschel Walker
Jan 21, 2023 7 tweets 6 min read
Why is @CollegeBoard silent on Florida's Don't Say Black (h/t @RitchieTorres).

One would think that an organization that is so excited to tout its AP program would have a very public statement to make.

@BerniceKing @RexChapman @JNelsonLDF @nhannahjones @SRuhle @QasimRashid Image Let's not forget that that as of 1/12/2023 @CollegeBoard says AP is opposed to censorship. Florida's Don't Say Black is literally censorship.… Image
Oct 3, 2022 9 tweets 4 min read
Now reading
(paywalled so after clicking the link to give the author his coins do what you need to):… Tulane's admissions rate is .7% ?!?!?! They are competing with @stanvard_u
Oct 3, 2022 5 tweets 3 min read
#HateRead candidate:
1. Its town and country writing about college
2. data analysis seems suspect and incomplete
3. unacknowledged focus on highly rejectives… I'm pretty sure @JonBoeckenstedt already addressed this in this blog ... but i'm not ready to commit to reading the original article or Jon's blog.

If you, my friends, do read them let me know what you find. . .…
Sep 12, 2022 31 tweets 13 min read
Let's make sure you all have full context for what the rankings are and aren't . . . a thread

(spoiler: they are measures of the wealth and brand position of the institution). First, a lil context and history.

Rankings have never been done by object governmental agencies.

In 1910 the fed attempted a ranking at the request of AAU but a draft leaked, created a stink, and Taft quashed the release by exec order.… Image
Jul 11, 2022 6 tweets 5 min read
The latest test publisher marketing gimmicks is test scores help you "stand out" but by the nature and design of standardized testing at least 50% will NOT STAND OUT. ImageImage "When our powers combine. . . "

we'll convince students that testing will help you stand out.

#marketing ImageImage
Mar 28, 2022 27 tweets 12 min read
MIT is reinstating its testing requirement.

Their announcement has some odd tortured logic that's worth evaluating. #nowreading… What's interesting is that though they site the research foundation of this decision a bunch of times, no research is ever actually given.

I'd love to see their studies on the predictive validity of the tests in their schools.
Mar 28, 2022 7 tweets 4 min read
Holy crap!

Season 2 of @TheEqualizerCBS with Queen Latifah is going all in on college, admissions and blackness.

I'm going to thread all the references!

(and post picts of the Queen looking fly!) Episode 10 gives a some race falsification and opportunity hoarding!
Nov 24, 2021 21 tweets 11 min read
My latest article explores the history of and why it's time to end the of the 51 year SAT/ACT "experiment" at the University of California. A few interesting tidbits I didn't add to the article.

1950s - the University was confronting serious problems associated with growth. The GI Bill had increased enrollments significantly and the baby boom generation had entered the school system. The goal was 12.5% eligibility
Jun 30, 2021 14 tweets 9 min read
So is anyone curious how test prep companies responded to the #testoptional movement?

Follow me down the rabbit hole

#Commoducation First let's touch on a little history:

1926 - first #SAT
1936 - Kaplan founded
1978 - first full sample SAT released by CB
1979 - "Truth-in- Testing" Act. passed in NY
1980 - CB begins selling 5 Real SATs
1981 - Princeton Review founded
Jun 29, 2021 4 tweets 2 min read
Here is some data I'm playing with about colleges.

What do you see?
What's odd?
What would you like to know more about?
What do you think explains trends and correlations?

Please pontificate, observe, theorize, extrapolate, and question. a few more schools and another column
Apr 14, 2021 11 tweets 6 min read
#hateread candidate because of the terrible tablecloth picture and the inaccuracies in the article | The Hill: Bring back standardized tests — for fairness i aint doing much right now..
Mar 11, 2021 11 tweets 6 min read
#racistedu fashion edition | UPDATE: Edmond Public Schools rep will not comment on if teacher disciplined for allegedly calling student’s ‘Black King’ T-shirt racist… attaching a branch of #racistedu back to the main trunk |
Jan 8, 2021 11 tweets 4 min read
PSA: The DC terrorists are teachers, doctors and CEOs. . .

Many will go back to their jobs and continue to push insurrection and racists beliefs. Teachers...
Jan 6, 2021 5 tweets 3 min read
#NowReading a great article on "learning loss"

"Of course, the term "learning loss" comes from the language of test enthusiasts."… I love this, especially “an increase in correct responses is gain; a decrease is loss.”

Exposing so many of the problems that plague the way we use test scores and draw inappropriate conclusions from them. Image
Oct 17, 2020 46 tweets 21 min read
#nowreading “Over the past decade,” Ruth S. Barrett writes, “the for-profit ecosystem that has sprouted up around athletic recruiting at top-rung universities has grown so excessively ornate, so circular in its logic, that it’s become self-defeating.”… Even before i dig into the article let me add a few images
Oct 6, 2020 23 tweets 8 min read
Let's explore the biggest lie the testing agencies ever convinced America of:

"without the SAT ACT, I would have never gotten into college, graduated, or had any future"

(thread) You see this narrative over and over and over in anecdatal stories about the test "providing" opportunity.
May 21, 2020 29 tweets 9 min read
The UC Regent student representative is killing it and everyone should listen to her.

here is the live feed .. she's at about 50 minutes in

#SAT #UC #testprep Seriously ... skip everything else in this video and go straight to the student rep (whose name I missed)!
Apr 16, 2020 13 tweets 7 min read
With the flurry of test optional announcements I wanted to highlight some of the best that I've seen. I've only been paying attention to this for a few years so I'll likely miss some, please forgive me in advance.

The Anatomy of a good #TestOptional announcement ...

Thread! Let's start with DePaul for reasons. Now check it, their announcement speaks to their

1. Mission
2. Faculty support
Apr 1, 2020 13 tweets 5 min read
So the recent announcement of the changes to the #AP tests got me thinking about test design and the contrary messages we get from CB ... A short thread coming.. Image Normally AP test are 2 - 4 hours long. @CollegeBoard wants us to believe that a 45 minute test is essentially identical.

This got me to thinking about how often then just drop things from the test and tell us its samesy!