Pr Carlos Moreno | IAE-Paris Sorbonne Profile picture
Pr IAE-Paris Sorbonne | Proximities pionneer 15-Minute City concept creator | 15 📚 in 11 languages | MultiAwarded 🏅 Sigma Xi scientific research honor Fellow

Oct 4, 2022, 11 tweets

I leave Turkey after @UNHABITAT #ScrollofHonour
Being able to go after COVID-19 I am then leaving for Korea. Some points to remember about the 15-Minute city around the world and globally are the impact of our @Chaire_eti research work on the world:
1st Busan 15-Minute City Act☑️

#Busan Mayor Park Hyung-Jun “A 15-Minute City provides convenient facilities necessary for daily life in a short distance, improves quality of life by combining citizens’ daily lives with smart technology & changes the urban environment to become a carbon-neutral transition city"

Busan City held by the Mayor Park Hyung-joon「15 Minute City Busan Vision Proclamation Ceremony」on May 25th 2021 -…

The City of Busan launched in 2021, international competition "International Ideas Competition for Bcome 2021: 15-Minute City"
The whole process, programme and project here online, on the city's website…

#Busan, 2022 : "Investment of 30 billion won by region and 150 billion won in total by 2027 will be focused on strategic tasks for the 15-minute city".
I will participate with Mayor Park Hyung-joon and authorities in the launch of this strategic plan…

#Korea I will then go during the weekend to Jeju Island, very important in terms of biodiversity, where the governor Lee Jae-Myung, wishes to give place to a polycentric territory with the 30-Minute Territory. We (@Chaire_eti) will work with him and the teams

and then I will be in #Daejeon for the @uclg_org general assembly, World Federation of Local Governments. I am one of the external advisors, co-drafter of the "Pact for the Future" which will be presented officially for validation. Proximity is one of the key issues of the Pact

In #Daejeon we, (@Chaire_eti) will also do an open session on 12 October on proximity, as one of the keys of the transitions to be led, for the local authorities present, co-led also by international colleagues (Ubuntu & ICLEI)…

We @Chaire_eti will launch with the scientific authorities the Korean edition of our White Paper and Notebook 15-Minute City | 30-Minute Territory and as always, I will give two lectures at the university and exchange with my colleagues professors, researchers and also students

And to finish, in parallel with the various media, dissemination & educational actions, there is also the preparation of the release in Korean on Nov 1st of my latest book "Droit de cité: de la ville-monde à la ville du 1/4 d'heure" published by Ed de l'Observatoire.
That's it!

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