Vasan MSV Profile picture
Periyarist, Rationalist, Anti Sanghi and Anti-Fascist. Belong to the Dravidian Stock. #NoVoteForModani

Oct 5, 2022, 10 tweets

India to be considered an OECD Country, healthy Governance is the key.
The best way to gauge we are today is by taking a comparative data. World Bank Publishes a set of 6 Indicators to gauge the Governance efficacy. (Details in the image)

This is a structured Survey based on People's perceptions. This is the second best possible data available for comparison. The first best choice for some would be WhatsApp forwards for those who call themselves Nationalists.

These comparisons are done against the countries in the lower end of the OECD spectrum. (i.e. Eastern Europe, South America etc. some Asian co-aspirants like China, Taiwan are also added.
The idea to see how far the New & Old India (before 2014) fared in each area

1. Voice & Accountability:
First and foremost measure for good governance.
Old India - India was doing well from 2004-2016 and was holding its improvement, though slow.
After 2016, India has lost all the gains made, we all know the reasons.
Winner : Old India.

2. Political Stability
This relates to peace as well.
There were some consistent improvements 2009-2017. After that it is a see-saw with unstable trend. However, all the comparison countries are also having some trouble here.
Winner: Old India (5/10)

3. Government Effectiveness
It has been one of the biggest lacuna for India for a while. Similar trend.
A very consistent improvement between 2004-07 & 2014-17. Unstable after that.
Considering comparative performance.
Winner : Draw (6/10)

4. Regulatory Quality
There is a sustained improvement after 2014. Though you may cite many undemocratic acts or U-turns like electoral bonds, farm laws, Data Privacy Act, etc., we need to be consistent and listen to people's voice.
Winner : New India

5. Rule of Law.
After a downfall between 2006. There was a consistent improvement until 2018. After that there is a rapid downfall.
Capturing the Constitutional Bodies, Courts, Media and Crony capitalism seems to be at play.
Winner : Old India.

6. Control of Corruption.
Biggest drum beat of the BJP. Seems people don't agree with them.
After a rapid downfall after 2006, there was stability and improvement between 2011-2018. Like in all other measures a rapid downfall after that.
Winner : Old India

In summary;
In terms of Governance;
Old India - 4/6
New India - 1/6
Draw/NOTA - 1/6
Looks like that people's disillusionment with all the Modi rhetoric & window dressing is withering off. Hindutva cannot save BJP anymore. As usual, inviting @Isriramseshadri for comments.

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