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Climate, Conflict, Politics, Africa. Editor (NZ) Reporting from France. #nzpol #DesertRain

Oct 6, 2022, 11 tweets

Has #Invest91L become a hurricane yet?

Quoted thread looks at satellite/radar data sources.

Unfortunately the GOES East Floater Satellite data which would confirm this is not publicly accessible as far as I can tell - except via CMISS [link>>]

This thread contains CMISS animations as it is the most conclusive. First the visible 1km floater image at sunrise.

Unfortunately that image only has two frames. You can download it to your computer however and isolate the frames.

This image precedes the second one.

This is the latest frame from the IR/WV Diff product which shows the temperature of the core. This looks to me like it shows consolidation - of a rotating center as seen in the satellite imagery.

If this is #HurricaneJulia that we are looking at here over a period of five hours, then this is possibly the moment of Cyclone Genesis. The animation contains 11 frames 2 per hour. #Invest91L

I am interupting this thread to link to an annoucement from @NHC_Atlantic which has just issued a new advisory >>… and upgraded chance of formation to 90%.

Here's the third view of #Invest91L aka #HurricaneJulia to be - this time the NHC-IR version.

This is the final frame.

If this is already a cyclone/hurricane, then it is already in the process of making landfall.

It will be interesting to see how much its transit over land will weaken it.

The next CMISS view is a Long Wave IR Dvorak view. And it appears it may also be an hour further advanced bringing us to 13.30UTC (2 hours ago).

Again here is the final frame.

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