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Oct 6, 2022, 35 tweets

The @mcfarlanetoys panel is about to begin at #NYCC everyone in attendance is leave with a Flashpoint Page Puncher!

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@Todd_McFarlane opens up the panel!

Warner Brothers and Mcfarlane with collaborate to bring back the Movie Maniacs line!

Ted Lasso is one of the first!

More Warner Brothers characters!

Mcfarlane is excited to develop the Avatar line!

Here’s a look at some of their upcoming #Avatar merchandise, all scale to eachother. All figures have a blacklight activated bioluminescence.

A look at the #Avatar line in action

A closer look at the highly detailed and articulated avatar collector figures.

Closer look at the collector figures for #Avatar

A look at a new figure from #AvatarWayofTheWater

Also Todd playing with it

“Don’t break it, it’s the only one I got” -@Todd_McFarlane

“My career is based on paper and plastic”- @Todd_McFarlane

@mcfarlanetoys will be developing action figures for @DemonSlayerUSA

Next up is DC Multiverse! Which was the best selling action figure line of 2021!

New 7in action figures coming in Spring 2023! @mcfarlanetoys confirms a lot of Superman next year for his 85th anniversary!

Mongal and Frankenstein will be the next 12in Mega Figures!

Christopher Nolan’s Batman films will be getting the Mcfarlane treatment! Bane will be the BAF

@mcfarlanetoys teases that these Nolan Batman figures are “just the tip of the iceberg”

More 6in ‘66 Batman figures are coming!

More ‘66 Batman villains!

‘66 Batman 4-pack is coming in a collectible metal lunchbox!

Mcfarlane and DC Direct merchandise up next!

@Todd_McFarlane is very proud of the Superman punching ship

Nightwing, Wonder Woman, and Deathstroke will join the Superpowers line in Spring 2023!

The Batmobile and the Invisible Jet are coming in Spring 2023 to the Superpowers line!

Aquaman fans will be excited to hear that they’ll be getting a series of Page Punchers!

more 3in page punches coming soon!

More DC Direct statues coming!

Batgirl and Joker statues coming from DC Direct!

#Spawn is up next!

A whole bunch of new #Spawn figures are coming soon!

#Spawn is joining the page punchers line!

Batman x Spawn will have merchandise releasing alongside its release!

That’s all for the @mcfarlanetoys panel!

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