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Oct 7, 2022, 7 tweets

Rajaraja’s favourite deity is this Ganapathi in the Periya Kovil. He had established a fund to ensure continuous offering of 150 bananas daily to the Ganapathi. The swami, in fact is called as Rajaraja Vinayagar due to this #Ganapathyam

There are a number of Subramanya Vigrahas in the temple with one even placed in the temple tower. Rajaraja had also donated a bronze Subramanya Murthy to the temple #Kaumaram

An ardent devotee of Siva, Rajaraja wanted to be called as Sivapatha Sekara. He followed Vedas and had Esana Sivacharyar as his guru. He designed the entire Peruvudaiyar temple based on Makutakama and Mahasayikapatha Pathavinyasam #Saivam

Rajaraja & all the Cholas had Nisumbasuthani as their family deity. Rajaraja used to pray to Goddess Eka Veeri before going war. #Shaktam

Rajaraja donated a number of bronzes of Vishnu and Lakshmi to various temples. He himself was instrumental in building two Vinnagarams (Vishnu gruhams). Notable among them are Rajaraja Vinnagaram in Ennayiram & Arinjagai Vinnagar in Ulagapuram #Vaishnavam

The entire Chola dynasty calls themselves as Suryavanshi and this figures prominently in all their copper plate grants and inscriptions. All their temples have Surya as the Parivara Devata #Sauram

So to call the great King Rajaraja just as Saiva is a historical and religious fallacy. Apart from worshipping various Gods, he has followed the key religious practices of Sanatana including performing various Yajnas & doing Hiranyagarbha & Tulabara donations among others

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