Dibakar Dutta (দিবাকর দত্ত) Profile picture
I write long threads on political affairs. Assistant Editor @OpIndia_com. Centre-Right. Alumnus @UnivofDelhi . Bengali from North East

Oct 7, 2022, 12 tweets

“We are after their fake 33 crores Gods and Goddesses (referring to Hindu deities) and they are roaming around with our golden Buddha.”

- Rajratna Ambedkar, religious supremacist and the great-grand-nephew of BR Ambedkar

This fanatic abused Hindu deities and now planning to play the victim card on the world stage.

“I will meet representatives from Buddhist nations and expose the true plight of Indian Buddhists to them. They will rally after us,” he threatened to defame India abroad.

Rajratna Ambedkar lamented how the socially backward communities have not completely disassociated from their Hindu identity.

"Flaunt your Buddhist identity. In that way, you can connect to the global audience," he suggested.

The fanatic then accused Nitin Gadkari, Narendra Modi, and ‘Peshwa Brahmin’ Devendra Fadnavis of hijacking the identity of Ambedkar and supposedly presenting themselves as Buddhists to the entire world.

Mental gymnastics at its best.🤡

Citing the example of Yogi Adityanath and his biography, ‘The Monk who became Chief Minister’, Rajratna claimed that India is misleading people around the globe with the impression that a Buddhist monk became the CM of India’s most populous State.

Besides being a religious supremacist, Rajratna Ambedkar is also a full-fledged conspiracy theorist.

He has accused UP CM Yogi Adityanath & PM Modi of taking funds in the name of Buddhists and diverting it to Hindus.

@PMOIndia @CMOfficeUP @Uppolice please take cognisance.

“You did not convert out of the fear of not receiving reservation benefits. Now, the government is removing those jobs altogether."

"The only hope is that you convert to Buddhism &avail benefits that apply to religious minorities in the country.”

- Rajratna Ambedkar

He claimed, “I came out of Narak – This is what Babasaheb Ambedkar said after converting to Buddhism. Hindu Dharma or Brahman Dharma is equivalent to the status of Hell.”

“There is no concept of Heaven or Hell in Buddhism. But if it was there, it would have been Brahman Dharam. This is what Ambedkar had said,” Rajratna further alleged.

“Therefore, I request those of you, who are stuck in this Hell of Brahman Dharma, to come to Buddhism,” he said.

Read about additional speech excerpts of this fanatic here: opindia.com/2022/10/great-…

The event was organised by the Buddhist Society of India at Dr BR Ambedkar Bhavan in Jhandewalan in New Delhi.

AAP's Social Welfare Minister was also present at the event. He regretted that Ambedkar couldn't convert the entire country to Buddhism.


#Bonus: Source of original video:

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