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Oct 8, 2022, 17 tweets

Thread for Top Korean Erotic Movies to watchπŸ”ž

1. The Handmaiden (2016)

Content - 4.25, πŸ”ž - 4.25

2. #Natalie (2010)
Content - 3.25, πŸ”ž - 4.25

3. #AFrozenFlower (2008)
Content & πŸ”ž - 3.75

4. #AGoodLawyersWife (2003)
C - 3.25, πŸ”ž - 3.5

5. #GreenChair (2005)
C - 3, πŸ”ž - 3.5

6. #Thirst (2009)
C - 3.25, πŸ”ž - 3.5

7. #TheTrecherous (2015)
C - 3, πŸ”ž - 3.5

8. #LoveLesson (2013)
C - 2.25, πŸ”ž - 3.5(2nd half)

9. #HappyEnd (1999)
C - 3, πŸ”ž - 3.25

10. #TheConcubine (2012)
C - 3, πŸ”ž - 3

11. #TheIsle (2000)
C - 3, πŸ”ž - 3

12. #ScarletInnocence (2014)
C - 3, πŸ”ž - 3

13. #TheServant (2010)
C - 3, πŸ”ž - 3

14. #TheHousemaid (2010)
C - 2.5, πŸ”ž - 3

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