LongCovidPharmD Profile picture
Doctor of Pharmacy. Long Covid, EBV & ME/CFS research. Here to share & learn. Tweets not medical advice. https://t.co/jqc4g8cFLa https://t.co/lKQezPwtQs

Oct 9, 2022, 11 tweets

Interesting results!
Efficacy appears to ⬆️ w total daily dose (TDD). While 2000-4000 FU TDD looks similar, efficacy appears to improve around ≥6000 FU TDD w/ most taking ≥4000 FU twice daily. Note no one reported feeling worse at ≥9000 FU TDD.🧵

Charts shows Overall improvement on scale of 0 (no benefit) to 10 (full recovery): 77% reported some level of improvement.👍

Q: Does ACID RESISTANT COATING affect efficacy?

I believe yes, but there is a possible confounding factor: 28 out of 36 respondents who took NK w/ enteric or acid resistant coatings were taking COMBOS with SP and a few with additional ingredients. However...

Many of the other respondents in the "no coating" category were ALSO taking SP (separately), so I do not believe it to be a large confounder. The results are quite stark:
No coating (n=132) vs coating (n=36):
52% vs 83% felt better; 9.8% vs 0% felt worse👇

The acid resistant & enteric coated brands used were:

Dr's Best SP + NK (n=17)
Solaray (n=9)
Neprinol (n=4)
RedFood (n=4)
Naturally Vitamin (n=2)

See graphs comparing Dr's Best NK (no acid resistance) vs Dr's Best NK/SP (acid resistance +SP), two of the most popular brands👇

Dr's Best Natto-Serra appears superior to NK alone. It's unclear if this is due to the serrapeptase, the acid-resistant coating, or both.

Dr's Best Natto-Serra vs other acid-resistant brands yielded somewhat similar efficacy, but the sample size is quite small (n=19 vs n=17). 👇

Out of the brands with no acid-resistance, sample size is low so take w/ grain of salt:
A shout-out to "Best Naturals" NK which performed particularly well.
NOW performed the worst.
Brands with n≥9 shown below in chart.👇

Side effects & herxing with nattokinase: less than half reported herxing. Some side effects in ~1/3 but most didn't override benefit.

Most common side effects (n=102) shown in chart.

(Menstrual cycle changes % is likely higher since only a portion of respondents menstruate.)

Only 18* respondents took NK+LK on the same day. When broken down by dose, hard to draw any conclusions due to small sample size. I'm including the raw data here in chart form for anyone interested.
*n=20 but two of the results were from the same people trying different doses

That's all for tonight. Will post more results of other supplements in the coming days. #longcovid #MECFS
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