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Oct 9, 2022, 11 tweets

💃🕺It was a Strictly Movie Week full of incident.

But you can never predict what will be a box office hit. Might the public make their own choices instead of following the judges’ verdict?

Follow the latest on #Strictly here👇…

💃There were dramatic highs.

Tyler West scoring the series’ first 10s with his exuberant Charleston; Molly Rainford delivering a captivating West Side Story waltz. #Strictly…

🕺There were also bizarre lows – Matt Goss sleepwalking through Top Gun; Tony Adams wriggling his clothes off, while doing a ropey samba, to The Full Monty. #Strictly…

🗳️With inconsistent scoring across the show and plenty of arguments among the panel. Will they be in agreement when it comes to the dance-off? #Strictly…

🚪In a twist worthy of M Night Shyamalan, Richie Anderson became the second celebrity to leave the Strictly ballroom after landing in the dance-off with accomplished mover Fleur East. #Strictly…

🗣️“I think it’s heart-breaking actually because I think both of you do not deserve to be here, but this is how the public voted.”

The whole cast was clearly in shock. #Strictly…

❓Is it time for #Strictly to grow up?

Perhaps the public were making their views clear about the increasing – and very irritating – Disneyfication of Strictly?…

🕺 In a classy exit speech, Anderson seemed to channel the spirit of his Movie Week song, Hakuna Matata.

He said that as a long-time Strictly fan, it was magical to be part of the show, praising the backstage team and his partner Pernice…

🐗🦁“It’s a shame it’s been too short for us, but I hope you’ve enjoyed every single second of it. Look at us: we’ve gone out dressed as Timon and Pumbaa. So lovely jubbly, well done Richie.”…

🗳️The panel was quick to place all of the blame for this decision on the public vote.

But it’s worth noting that the judging on Saturday night was very erratic

💃 It’s unusual to have a shock exit this early in the series.

What does this mean for Strictly series 20?…

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