Satyamshakti/Annant Drishti Adhyatam Peetham Profile picture
Life Coach, Vedic Astrologer, Palmist, Healer, Tarot, Akashic Records, Tantra/spiritual workshops, Spiritual Scientist, astro psychology,PLR

Oct 10, 2022, 15 tweets

I am often asked this question - why do I call myself "An Astrologer who doesn't predict?"

I respond in different ways depending on who is asking the question and it's context.

If this sounds strange, then let me explain the way I see my role as a Practicing Astrologer.

My area of work is Vedic Astrology and the discipline is based on planetary positions, and that of nakshatras.
Multiple factors are taken into consideration before making a judgement and based on that the advise is given.

Yes, I call it advise. I had much rather call myself an Astro Advisor or Astro Analyst, a Planner even.

Why? The reason is simple. Vedic Astrology doesnt work on linear logic or binaries, multiple scenarios are examined before clarity emerges.

This clarity leads us to understand YOGS which in simple terms could be called possibilities. Thus, my job is to alert clients to possibilities rather than "predict."

When I spell out possibilities, I also try and see possible roadblocks. Which leads me to suggest remedies.

Thus, I always tell people ofbpossibilities that exist & to help them take advantage of them or of favourable situations, they could take the following recourse. Apart from, of course, working towards making things happen.

So, instead of predicting, I deal in possibilities.

Another point: most people seek astrological advice in tough times. Yes, you must, but when things are Hunky Dory, why assume that they shall always be so? Why not get a reading done to ensure that you are ready and prepared for the good times as well as bad?

What I mean is: protect yourself against possible problems and prepare yourself such that you can make the most of the opportunities that lie ahead.

While advising on roadblocks and opportunities my training as a psychologist comes in very handy. I am able to size up people by gauging their confidence levels and enthusiasm and thus make highly informed suggestions.

There are times when I realise that a person has everything in favour except the ability to convert an opportunity into a positive result. And then there are go-getters who will light up the whole sky even as they see just the thinnest of silver linings.

My planning for different types of people thus varies, as do the remedies. There are times when I have recommended therapies that have indeed helped people capitalize on what possibly lies ahead.

So, what do you say? To benefit from astrological advice combined with psychological inputs, DM me or connect via Things might just fall in place for you.

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