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Ancient Iranian archaeology and history.

Oct 10, 2022, 40 tweets

Agriculture in Ancient Iran: Just so not all the news is sad. ❤️🔥

Based on a few years of research to find visual & primary sources. |

اینو مینویسم که یک گوشه دیگه از تاریخمون رو بهتر بشناسیم: کشاورزی در ایران باستان.


Major cereal-related episodes in Iran's history

Also See: The cultivation and domestication of wheat
and barley in Iran, brief review of a long history, 2021

درآمدی بر آبیاری و کشاورزی در پارس باستان.


Two bulls with a plough/plow, Marlik, Iran, 2-1 Mill BCE

دو پیکرک و خیش, مارلیک


My focus here will be on visual and a few primary sources related to agriculture. See Iranica articles on agriculture generally.

Some visual reps I focus on are the plough & the sickle for example. Of course not unique to ancient Iran.

Cart Wheel, Choghazanbil


Though not directly on point, wheels, to state the obvious, also had numerous uses in the ancient world including one can assume in agriculture.

Ploughing Scenes: 1: Tepe Golestan
2: Babylonian Seal impression. 14thC BCE, found in Susa


Bactrian Cup, @mihomuseum

See photo 4 for ploughing scene


Achaemenid seal impressions & drawings with ploughing scenes


Actual #Achaemenid seal with ploughing /plowing scene

مهر هخامنشی با تصویر کشاورز, گاوهای زراعت (ورزا ) و خیش.


Seal 1: "a team of humped bulls pulls a plow toward the right; ahead of them a man sows broadcast from an open sack of seed at his waist"

Achaemenid era.

3: Achaemenid satrapy coins


Possible #Sasanian era seals with ploughing scenes

1: Saeedi Collection
2: private collection



As part of agriculture, scenes with farm animals from Scythians


Grape harvest & similar scenes, Sasanian era



Olive press base from the surface of Qalatga Darband, Parthian era


Water management in a place like Iran where large parts of the country are dry and without water is of course essential for farming

For thousands of years, Iranians devised surface-level & underground channels, canals, etc. for water management

Photos: Pasargadae


This is also related to gardens & gardening in ancient Iran which is another big part of Iranian culture.

One big part of water management was the qanat = karez = underground aqueduct system


Photos of qanats in Iran. There are thousands of these around Iran. Some are still used to this day.


Mention of MP word for qanat (kahas) in primary sources. As well as mention of gardens and vineyards

2: Tang-e Khošk


Waterways and canals in construction of 2 cities as examples: Istakhr and Takhte Rostam


Persian Asbads or windmills


Of course we can't forget the masterpiece of water management in Sasanian Shushtar as an example


Shushtar, #Sasanian era


Shushtar, #Sasanian era


Shushtar, Sasanian era


Old Persian & Elamite primary sources (examples), among many others

1: contract for the delivery of barley, PTS
2: contract for the delivery of dates, PTS


Contract for the rental of labour to dig a canal, @MuseeLouvre


Contract for the sale of oxen, @britishmuseum


1: promissory note for barley
2: Record of purchase of a field


1-2: Aramaic record from Bactria, Achaemenid era: ... "Also the corn and the sesame, (for) sowing as seed, which Bagavant is under duty to bring in to the <granary> building of my lord..."

3: Grain-related documents: a) Elamite, commercial contract paid by barley and silver


Achaemenid era:

1: A military land grant in Egypt: "... I ploughed the field but did not receive/take from them"

2: Work on canals: Babylonian tablet: "6 spades, 4 sickles were brought ... and 10 sickles to Bel-silim (who are) at the sluice canal of the Cyrus River Canal."


Parthian era: Avroman Parchment III

"In the year 300 (=53 CE) in the month of Arwatat, Pataspak son of Tirin, who [comes] from Bod, sold half the vineyard of Asmak, which is by the ploughfields..."


A Collection of #sickles from millennia in ancient Iran

1-2: Susa, @MuseeLouvre , among many other examples at Louvre



More sickles

2: Elamite, Susa
3: Elamite
4: Sialk, @ Louvre


More sickles from ancient Iran

1-2: Sialk, @ Louvre


Sickles from Chogha Mish, Iran

2: @UChicago


Grains harvesting and preparing tools:

a. Stone sickle blades, Tappeh Sang-e Chakhmaq, 6500
5300 BCE

b. Ceramic sickle, Chogha Mish, 3500-3100 BCE

c Stone grinder, Aq Tappeh (Gorgan, North
Alborz, Iran), 5200 4800 BCE

d. Bronze sickle, ancient Lorestan


Sickles from ancient Iran

1: sickle haft of Tappeh Sang-e Chakhmaq
2: Hasanlu


Sasanian era sickles, plough:

1: @metmuseum

2: Excavated @ Tol-e Qaleh Seyfābād: metal objects including C. Iron #plough
D. Iron axe
E. Iron object resembling #sickle
F. Copper-alloy ladle.


Sickles do not have a connection with death in Iran as in parts of western world

My own association for the Persian word is from my time in north of Iran, when I heard in a specific dialect of that region they called the new moon - داس مه = moon sickle...


Not sure how right or accurate that is, but Hafez also has a beautiful poem where he uses this image


مزرع سبز فلک دیدم و داس مه نو
یادم از کشته خویش آمد و هنگام درو
گفتم ای بخت بخفتیدی و خورشید دمید
گفت با این همه از سابقه نومید مشو...
آتش زهد و ریا خرمن دین خواهد سوخت
حافظ این خرقه پشمینه بینداز و برو

In hopes of a brighter tomorrow, of peace, freedom, love ❤️🔥

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