Levi is once again asking u to vote 🗳️💙 Profile picture
ilu 💙 just as u r | official everything | believe. VOTE. persist. | #AnimalCaucus | #CheeseForAll | #DogsForDemocracy

Oct 10, 2022, 8 tweets

besties have u read AMENDMENTS to PA CONSTITUTION the PA GOP r trying: i have some things to tell u

- those motherfluffers
- we need to FLIP PA HOUSE
- *WE* includes *YOU* idc where u live: sign up

Election “audits”

artie + me r just dogs but we think “tax-payer funded” includes *a lot* of healthcare + insurance

“or any other right related to abortion”


voter id laws r bad actually

“Overly burdensome photo ID requirements block millions of eligible American citizens from voting. We can improve the security of elections without compromising citizens’ right to participate in elections.” @BrennanCenter tinyurl.com/8c4667hj

if pa gop want this election “audit” i do not want it

did u know gop have majority of pa legislature for decades iirc: “provide by statute” ha no those motherfluffets

do u remember cyber ninjas

did u know pa we have 19 electoral votes: unfair elections here bad for everyone

anyway when artie + me we ask u to join #Knocktober we r extremely serious

ur help will make a HUGE difference if r stopping pa gop or not

governor shapiro he *CANT VETO* this



here r some specific pa house candidates to donate if u can

or u can vol here + help pa dems up down sideways diagonal the ballot

all gas no brakes: sign up there is something comfortable for everyone

change is possible if we fight for it


btw pls register to vote before OCTOBER 24

pa mail ballots r available now

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