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Oct 11, 2022, 9 tweets

I will post a very minor update for October 10th. #ukrdailyupdate

I am not going to talk about the massive missile attack that struck many cities across the country. Other people can cover that better than I can.

Civilians noticed a large convoy heading south through Starobilsk and towards Severodonetsk. These observations were made independently and support each other. One witness reported large numbers of infantry and BMPs (an armored vehicle that carries infantry and has a big gun).

Russians increased the rate at which they are fortifying Svatove, they also blew up bridges near the town (I am not sure which bridges).

Russia used remote mining near Berestove, showing the area is definitely not under their control.

There are reports of Russian artillery fire near Pisky, which I believe represents fire near the Anthill or Republica Mist, if not both (I have marked both).

Russians posted a video proving Ukrainian control of the forests southeast of Opytne.

Near Hulyaipole, Russia tried to push Ukrainian forces back north. Ukraine destroyed the Russian attack with artillery fire.

Ukraine heavily shelled Beryslav and Borozenske. In Borozenske an artilleryman told me "we killed one of everything." I interpret this as a tank, a bmp, an artillery piece, etc.

Ukrainian MOD confirmed the strike on Beryslav yesterday.

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