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May 31 4 tweets 1 min read
This is the 243 day of the Russian offensive, in this time they have almost 2900 armored vehicles + artillery destroyed plus 1100 more abandoned. Combined is just under 4000. This is actually an undercount as well, because we don't have enough money to buy all the high res sat images. In the same time period, Ukraine has lost fewer than 900.
May 26 5 tweets 1 min read
I have an idea. Every time someone uses the total number of Russian mortar + 122 + 152 ammo production to 155mm production, they have to donate 1/4 of their salary to the Czech ammo purchase. Does that seem fair? Compare 152 to 155, 122 to 105 and mortars to mortars or stfu and don't say anything at all.
May 23 5 tweets 2 min read
Remember that time Romanov posted a video where he shot a howitzer, and then cut to a shell hitting a house? And how the shell that hit that house killed a civilian? Now, I cannot tell you Romanov fired that exact shell, but he wanted you to think he did.

Anywho, unrelatedly, I am sure: when you are a "journalist" Image
May 22 5 tweets 2 min read
Russia is taking significant pride in attacking evacuation workers. Here you see a strike on a police car that was responding to a request to evacuate. One police officer was killed, another wounded. And you see russians posting and bragging about these events. Image
May 21 6 tweets 1 min read
You have to understand that the United States not allowing Ukraine to use weapons outside of Ukraine is not a limitation imposed just Ukraine. No, it goes deeper. This is a fundamentally idiotic concept that applies across the entirety of American military. It is brain rot that comes from the idiots in charge who believe only the president can agree to make cross border attacks unless the cross border attack is in self defense of imminent harm.
May 5 9 tweets 2 min read
Russians post a video showing one of their assaults, talking it up saying how well it went.

Americans: LMAO. we're adding this to the training material for how easy it is to fuck up an assault to sum up the assault:
a bunch of golf carts cross a field with a tank covering them from behind. russians fire smoke, which immediately cuts across the field blinding the tank. russians dismount golf carts, shells start landing. hard to tell who is shooting
Apr 27 6 tweets 1 min read
Every time I read someone say something like “Ukraine doesn’t have the resources to counter attack” I genuinely wonder if the person writing the thing is a delusional hack. Of course they don’t, and they never will, and that doesn’t change their ability to win the war. Ukraine doesn’t need to push Russia back to reclaim its territory. I don’t know which delusional fantasy universe people are living in that makes them think Ukraine needs to do so, but that place isn’t the reality we live in.
Apr 14 6 tweets 1 min read
Officer wrote about this today, but it is blatantly obvious just by looking at what vehicles get destroyed and where and how: Russian casualties do not usually come from an assault. They come from trying to build up forces for an assault. In other words, Ukraine destroys Russians as they drive to the front. Once at the front, the infantry disperse into various underground shelters to hide until such a time a large enough force is gathered to begin assault operations.
Apr 12 5 tweets 1 min read
AI cannot get data for my project. It cant. AI cannot understand what the data means. AI cannot read between the lines. AI cannot do anything. It is useless. I wish people would stop suggesting it. It isn’t an option. No lazy shortcuts. Work is done by hand. At most, the AI can check if a video is a duplicate, or a script can compile a list of sources that must then be analyzed by hand. But the AI is not, cannot, and will never be a substitute for doing work. Period.
Apr 11 10 tweets 2 min read
The people who want to limit collateral damage, casualties (civilian and military), environmental damage, and destruction of infrastructure should also support using the most powerful weapons in the greatest number. Because ending the war as quickly as possible achieves all goals The people who say they are against using weapons to destroy Russian infrastructure are, in a round about way, arguing in favor of getting more civilians killed.
Apr 7 7 tweets 2 min read
Here are the losses I could identify today.

There is another video of like 10 more russian losses but I am not confident they aren't duplicates and I need to precisely geolocate them before I say anything more about them.
Image Dear Russians, please stop. Just go home. You're getting massacred. Every single day. Just go home. Sitting here watching a platoon of infantry get hit by like 9 dpicm in a row and I think like 1 guy survived. Imagine if those 30 guys stayed home instead.
Mar 28 12 tweets 8 min read
I was only just now able to finish updating my map for yesterday. But here are some news stories I want to highlight.

A civilian was wounded by UXO near Kharkiv.…

A 12 year old boy was killed in Borova.…

Mar 13 4 tweets 1 min read
People trying to downplay Russias improved ISR capabilities are missing the boat. Just because something existed for a long time doesn’t mean it isn’t improved. Fucks sake. Especially an issue where improvement is fixing communication friction. Do people really think thats something that cannot be addressed? Cutting down time from observation to engagement is, like, normal.
Mar 9 5 tweets 2 min read
Here are losses I could identify today.

That one video was pretty bad for the Russians.…
Image ooof…
Feb 5 4 tweets 1 min read
For people who don’t know, this is a classic example of propaganda. This is how they attack things that damage them. They use troll farms and bots to post comments like this, trying to show a “grassroots” disagreement. Humans have a natural instinct to overweight disagreement. Image In other words, when people see a negative comment, they vastly overweight that comment and it changes their opinion of the whole. Even if that negative opinion is nonsense and holds no weight. That’s what these troll farms try to accomplish.
Jan 16 7 tweets 1 min read
The goals of the Ukrainian offensive were obvious, and by now I think everyone knows them. To capture Robotyne in the first day, to push to Tokmak, and then to Melitopol. There was arrogance and naivety to it, and it failed. In September people were writing about its failure. The goals of the Russian offensive were also obvious. To capture Berdychi and Sjeverne in the first day. Then to capture Avdiivka and push to Kurakhove. It was also arrogant and naïve, and it failed. But, I do not see people writing about this failure.
Jan 12 10 tweets 2 min read
Jesus christ. A Russian T-90M couldnt even hold its own in 1 on 1 combat witha. bradley when it had the first shot and knew the bradley was there. This tank got fucking ganked. Russian tech and training such a shit show they can’t even win a tank versus ifv 1 v 1 w/first shot adv Image This crew is swiss cheese. the tank is a wreck. ass kicking of the century right here.
Jan 7 13 tweets 3 min read
I have many followers who do not follow the Ukrainian war closely, so allow me to give you a brief description of the current situation: Putin is racing against time to finish this war, and he has resorted to using every weapon he has to achieve this. Namely propaganda. Propaganda has become his primary tool to win. This propaganda is attempting to achieve several things:

1: to breed apathy in western nations
2: to highlight discontent in all nations (even russia)
3: to divide the Ukrainian people
Jan 4 19 tweets 3 min read
Guys, Russia releases more FPV footage than Ukraine. Stop spreading this horse shit that they don't. What, you only look at footage that contains vehicles? That's a you problem, not a problem with the data. What, you only look at footage that is geolocated? Again, that's a you problem, not a problem with the data.
Nov 26, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read

Ukraine needs, minimum, 1 million mortar rounds per month. This is bare minimum to conduct their necessary combat operations. Realistically, 10-12 million would be the necessary amount. Per month. The failure to provide this many rounds isn’t only an issue for Ukraine, its an issue for every country. How does any NATO country plan on supplying their own country in a war if they cannot produce this many rounds? Is NATO even prepared to fight a ground war at all?
Nov 22, 2023 9 tweets 2 min read
Watching the cluster bombs Russia now drops is infuriating to me. It highlights the failure of the west to supply the necessary air defense and deterrence, and it shows how the west is constantly escalating this war by refusing to supply these weapons. Air defense for cities is nice, I guess. But air defense for the military matters more. This means fighter jets. And it means deterrance. By deterrence, I mean long range missiles that can strike deep into Russia and destroy their air force. Failing to supply this is escalatory.