DragonForge Profile picture
Five young Dragons on an epic adventure to find their home, stop a war, and heal their friendship

Oct 11, 2022, 5 tweets

GM creative Dragons! We’re phasing out the discord economy and replacing is with $DGN, our own social token. Those of you who have been accumulating discord coins will have first access to some new #DragonForge collectibles, including this beauty!

If not all editions are claimed, they will be purchasable with $DGN once we launch. You have until the end of October to accumulate more discord coins before we remove that feature.

To get the most out of $DGN, you make make a Social Connector account. It’s a software that rewards you for engaging in our tweets. So when you like our tweets we send you some $DGN as a thank you. Future merch and services will also be available through $DGN 👇

It takes two minutes to make a Social Connector account. Make sure you connect your Twitter and Discord. You’ll also need a Solana wallet, and that’s it!


$DGN is not a meme coin or a token that you’re stuck with. It’s a currency on a public exchange that you can convert to fiat on the #Solana blockchain. We’re building a creator economy that supports your creativity and community storytelling.

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