DragonForge Profile picture
Five young Dragons on an epic adventure to find their home, stop a war, and heal their friendship
Dec 6, 2022 6 tweets 2 min read
I’m a nominee for the @giraffetowernft council elections.

Why am I so involved with another project when I run my own?

Thanks for asking….a thread 🧵 👇 1. We use social connector, a software built by their founder. So it’s in DragonForge’s best interests that I keep my talons on the pulse.

They move very fast and it’s my job to keep up and learn how to use the tools. $DGN is going to be integrated into our whole ecosystem.
Nov 20, 2022 15 tweets 3 min read
A community that feels unheard or unvalued won’t drive energy towards your business. I don’t make the rules, but I do notice them. It’s rudimentary human nature. Our success as founders and leaders hinges on this. A study conducted by Harvard Business Review of 20,000 employees showed that
no other leader behaviour had a bigger positive effect than being treated with respect. People who said leaders treated them with respect were 55% more engaged.
Nov 15, 2022 13 tweets 3 min read
NFTs are toxic. But they don’t have to be.


#NFTs #crypto #culture #Web3 When I joined the NFT craze in September 2021, I was naive.

Finally, I thought, a way for artists to make a good living. A new digital art movement that would propel the creator economy to new heights.

Was I ever wrong…
Oct 31, 2022 18 tweets 5 min read
Creativity is the MOST important skill you can have.

If you were about to click away because you don’t vibe with the word creativity, hold up.

People THINK they aren’t creative, but they’re wrong. We all have it in us.

Here’s how to be more creative… But first I want to start with a story, about a guy named Steve Jobs. You may have heard of him…

Returning to Apple after Pixar, Jobs knew that talking about tech features wasn’t the way to sell computers. That’s why his first computer, Lisa, failed so badly.

To succeed…
Oct 24, 2022 16 tweets 9 min read
Why I decided to launch a cryptocurrency/social token called $DGN on the Solana Blockchain, and why many companies & creators will do it too in the future. 🧵 🧵 🧵 👇
#blockchain #cryptocurrencies #DGN #Tokenomics #Web3 The last 10 years saw the rise of social media. The next decade will see the rise of the social token, cryptos launched by creators and businesses that will give them more control in their ecosystems and better opportunities to create relationships with their communities.
Oct 11, 2022 5 tweets 3 min read
GM creative Dragons! We’re phasing out the discord economy and replacing is with $DGN, our own social token. Those of you who have been accumulating discord coins will have first access to some new #DragonForge collectibles, including this beauty! Image If not all editions are claimed, they will be purchasable with $DGN once we launch. You have until the end of October to accumulate more discord coins before we remove that feature.
Sep 19, 2022 25 tweets 10 min read
DragonForge is a #storytellingnft. More accurately, we’re a brand that uses #NFTs to give our members special access and support.
We’re making an adventure show for teens that adults will love. #DragonForge is not your typical animation, because it is being created by our members The #story follows a #Dragon named Ember & his friends as they find their way home after a magical pendant strands them in another reality. But what begins as a journey home turns into a quest to save their world…