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Climate, Conflict, Politics, Africa. Editor (NZ) Reporting from France. #nzpol #DesertRain

Oct 11, 2022, 5 tweets

[Ongoing coverage #HurricaneJulia Event #ExtremeWeather #ClimateChangeNow]

At sunrise the remnants of #HurricaneJulia now #Invest93L are developing extremely rapidly over the South Western Gulf of Mexico.

And the southern #Invest93L remnants of #HurricaneJulia are also developing very rapidly.

Moreover, because of their proximity and positioning the southern storm's outflows are feeding #Invest93L North, which help may explain its spectacular burst of convection on daybreak.

This connection may gradually weaken however as the southern storm is more able to move NW than the northern storm which is experiencing very strong opposing NE shear.

New #Invest93L guidance now includes two tracks heading north.

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