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Oct 11, 2022, 7 tweets

A thread 🧵

How to draw trendline & how its useful
In Technical analysis

Here it's application 👇

➡️It is formed when a diagonal line can be drawn between a minimum of three or more price pivot points.

And that all three points must tested equally.

example 👇 #sis

➡️ Trendline is mainly useful for identifying trend 👇

⚡Uptrend - #happiestmind

⚡Downtrend - #bluedart

➡️ It's also act as support & resistance.

Ex - ⚡ #happiestmind


➡️ If three point 📍have not be touched clearly then it is wrong ❌

Ex - ⚡ #bluedart


➡️ It is also useful big trend changing move 🚀

#godfryphilps is also consolidating from 7 years now it's trend going to change after trendline BO

Hope this thread helpful 🙏 to inhance ur knowledge 📚

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