Brainy1986 Profile picture
Trump: GUILTY of FRAUD 4 times in 7 yrs. Rape ONCE. Now? CONVICTED FELON. Out-on-bail for 3 MORE crimes. USAF Vet. USM & OU grad. Proud Dem. No lists. #VoteBlue

Oct 11, 2022, 7 tweets

@SecDef @DeptofDefense @SecArmy @ArmyChiefStaff @ArmyChiefStaff Has Flynn READ the U.S. National Security Strategy? U.S. is PRO-UKRAINE/GEORGIA/NATO. RUSSIA is an aggressive, cyber-hacking, nuclear proliferating CONCERN. Flynn = GEN BENEDICT ARNOLD of our time. #CourtMartialFlynn

Don’t trust me: here’s TRUMP’s 2017 National Security Strategy. REMEMBER HOW FLYNN CALLED RUSSIA ON 28 DEC 2016? Reassures Russia that Trump nearly inaugurated: he WILL lift ALL sanctions. Stay Cool. Trump responds, “Knew Russia was smart.” Apr 2017? Dance Party in Saudi.

REMEMBER the 2017 Surprise DANCE PARTY IN SAUDI? Tillerson, Bannon, Priebus, Trump dancing in solidarity with MBS of Saudi? This deal—which PUBLIC didn’t know about til 2019–was in work. OF COURSE FLYNN CALLED RUSSIA TO TELL THEM TO “STAY COOL.” TOM BARRACK—INDICTED NOW.

Then, after MBS brutally murders American journalist Jamal Khashoggi, Oct 2018, Trump makes no U.S. response. Why? Because he says, “the U.S. making LOTS OF MONEY on DEAL.” In Nov 2018: Putin/MBS exchange “odd” high-five. In Feb 2019, WH Oversight Committee publishes report.

Flynn pled guilty to LYING TO THE FBI. Pled Guilty. Got off on a technicality. THAT besmirches the character of a General Officer: “I did it: but, I’m NOT GOING TO JAIL.” Trump pardoned him. Flynn then goes into “ADVOCATING OVERTHROW OF U.S. BY FORCE, another FELONY: 18 USC 2385.

Flynn served as Trump’s DEFACTO Commander in Chief of Trump’s military planning to OVERTHROW THE GOVERNMENT. THAT is SEDITIOUS CONSPIRACY. 18 USC §2384: planning secretly w/Trump/Stone/Guiliani/Bannon. Same cast. AN INSURRECTION: 18 USC §2383.

@SecDef @DeptofDefense @SecArmy @ArmyChiefStaff @ArmyChiefStaff HAS THE ARMY CHANGED ITS STANDARDS? Can CRIMINAL TRAITORS draw benefits & retention pay: (veterans are supposed to be available for recall)? Flynn’s ALLEGIANCE? Is NOT to the U.S. but to RUSSIA. To Trump. To MONEY.

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