Brainy1986 Profile picture
Trump: GUILTY of FRAUD 4 times in 7 yrs. Rape ONCE. Now? CONVICTED FELON. Out-on-bail for 3 MORE crimes. USAF Vet. USM & OU grad. Proud Dem. No lists. #VoteBlue
Jun 22 5 tweets 3 min read
@Heritage @KevinRobertsTX On @Morning_Joe this PhD was FULL OF HIMSELF. Sadly, he’s unaware the CONSTITUTION provides RIGHTs to CITIZENs. The Unborn are NOT citizens. 14th Amendment (and the LAW) DOES NOT provide the unborn (zygote, embryo, fetus) the RIGHT to LIFE. Image @Heritage @KevinRobertsTX is a SMUG man. He denies ABORTION is REPRODUCTIVE CARE. When a woman suffers a miscarriage: Roberts believes the woman should die—just as beasts in the field—in Biblical Times/1800’s.
When woman CAN BE SAVED by removing the fetus. See Trump’s mother.

May 1 7 tweets 4 min read

@nytimes Updated this chart to show witnesses from TODAY. Keith Davidson (women’s LAWYER) & Dylan Howard (Pecker’s Editor) who “worked” the Stormy Daniels/Karen McDougal “deals” w/ Michael Cohen (Trump’s LAWYER).…
Image . Keith Davidson also represented Playboy Playmate Shera Bechard in her “hush money” deal with Elliott Broidy. Broidy worked anti-Qatar policy/awarded HUGE Saudi/UAE contracts.
Payment for a PREGNANT Playmate=$1.6M. WHY was COHEN BROIDY’s LAWYER?…

Sep 11, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
Trump has been charged with crime of Espionage which includes two statutes: 18 USC §793 and §794. Trump’s been charged with “little sister” crime: 18 USC §793. What’s the difference?

§793 entails taking/retaining nuclear or other defense information. Max sentence = 10 years. §794 entails making nuclear or other defense information available to foreign agents/civilians. Either “directly or indirectly.” Maximum sentence = 10 yrs to Life Imprisonment/Death Penalty.
Jun 5, 2023 11 tweets 6 min read

Don’t let TRUMP lie to you AGAIN.

The PRESIDENTIAL RECORDS ACT OF 1978. Read it. Learn it. Live it.

@realDonaldTrump @MSNBC @CNNPolitics ImageImageImage Did NARA or the GSA screw up? No. It is the PRESIDENT’S RESPONSIBILITY TO MAINTAIN CUSTODY OF DOCUMENTS APPROPRIATELY. Which means TURNING THEM OVER TO NARA when leaving office. Means ENSURING no Presidential Records SHIPPED TO ONE’S RETIREMENT HOME. Image
Jun 5, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
@Morning_Joe @morningmika When determining # of weeks a woman may choose to abort: remember FETAL ANOMALIES may not be detected until scan at 20/21 WEEKS: a 15 week ban on abortion helps not at all. At minimum: 25 weeks (21 weeks PLUS 4) weeks to make decision/schedule procedure. ImageImageImage….

How many fetal anomalies develop post 2nd trimester? Is THIS the government’s decision? Or the parents’ decision?
Jun 5, 2023 9 tweets 4 min read
This article lists FIVE reasons women don’t enjoy sex. ADD to the list: FEAR OF PREGNANCY. Birth control is NOT 100 % effective. And w/Dobb’s decision—the REAL safety is in ABSTINENCE.… Even MARRIED MEN may be turned away. Maybe ESPECIALLY MARRIED MEN will be turned away—those who already have multiple kids. In fact, married men may very well suffer a “ugh, no” reaction to sex themselves for FEAR OF PREGNANCY.…
Jun 3, 2023 4 tweets 6 min read
@MSNBC Trump’s INTENT was to violently STOP VP/Congress on 6 Jan 21. KNEW mob was armed. He WAS President. He COULD HAVE:
1. Cancelled event. Refuse to speak. No. He told HIS mob to FIGHT.
2. Called National Guard to stop.
Instead he said, “They’re not here for ME.”
@maddow ImageImageImage Trump CONSPIRED with others to STOP lawful execution of a law: certification of the vote (3 USC §15). The President’s Men Roger Stone, @GenFlynn @seanhannity @RudyGiuliani Steve Bannon, Congressmen RECRUITED Proud Boys & PUBLIC. THEN President’s MEN STOOD BACK & STOOD BY offsite. ImageImageImageImage
Jun 1, 2023 8 tweets 5 min read
18 USC § 793 (e) is the law that cost Reality Winner 5 years in prison. THIS is the law that Trump suspected of per Mar-A-Lago search warrant.
“Whoever having UNAUTHORIZED possession of” √ Once Trump left White House? He was UNAUTHORIZED to have these documents. See PRA. ImageImageImageImage “Has reason to believe could be used to the injury of the United States.” The missing documents were marked SECRET and TOP SECRET. DEFINITIONS of those classifications “could cause serious damage” or “could cause grave damage” to U.S. means Trump KNEW could cause injury. Image
Jun 1, 2023 6 tweets 3 min read
FACT: Women DIE in pregnancy/childbirth. Abortion is a life-saving procedure for CITIZENs.

In 2021, 1,205 women died of maternal causes. 32.9 deaths per 100,000 births. But does the SIZE of the number matter?

Does the STATE have the right to take even ONE woman's LIFE? Image FACT: The Constitution & 14th Amendment DEFINE citizens as those “BORN or Naturalized.” Therefore, the fetus is a non-citizen.

The Dobb’s decision allows STATES to DEPRIVE the CITIZEN of HER right to life—and bestow an unconstitutional right to life on the fetus—a non-citizen. Image
May 31, 2023 15 tweets 12 min read
Googled Supreme Court justices last night. FIVE CATHOLIC Justices overturned Roe v Wade. FIVE. Everyone of Justices who voted to overturn Roe are CATHOLIC. Amy Coney Barrett born one of SEVEN CATHOLIC children: who then had SEVEN of her own. @GOPGovs Remember “scare” of electing John F. Kennedy—a CATHOLIC?

Well, turns out that “scare” was well-founded. Between the Evangelicals and the Catholic’s FREEDOM OF RELIGION in the U.S. is DEAD. We WILL BE Christian. We WILL have tons of babies. Because? God. Women merely a uterus. Image
May 29, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
@JordanPoff4 Nice, Jordan. BUT: U.S. in 1787 proposed that SLAVES only count 3 out of 5 slaves for purpose of population that earned representation in government. So if had 15 slaves, the population was 9 total. THEN slavery (not EQUAL) continued til 1865, 13th Amendment…. @JordanPoff4 Slave states STILL chose to treat the blacks badly: so 1866, U.S. passed Civil Rights Act: ALL are equal. And STILL Slave states chose to treat blacks badly. So, 1868-14th Amendment: All equal. And, STILL Slave states treated badly: so 15th Amendment: black men could vote. But…
May 29, 2023 9 tweets 5 min read
Did you know that RIGHTS in the CONSTITUTION were “rolled out” separately to various “persons” born on U.S. soil (citizens)? White men: from 1776 to present: no question. Black Men: 1870. White Women: 1920. And, Black Women? Not til 1965. WTF? @SenateDems @HouseDemocrats ImageImageImage ALL WOMEN need to VOTE BLUE. In Dobb’s Decision, Supreme Court GAVE THE STATE authority to DEPRIVE WOMEN of Life, Liberty, Property & Equal Protection under the law. THIS is 2nd time Supreme Court DENIED women had rights in 14th Amendment: 1st was 1872–when S. B. Anthony voted. ImageImage
May 28, 2023 7 tweets 6 min read
Where is the “Equal Protection of the LAW” when women are handed the unwanted baby after being forced to give birth to it? Why aren’t the babies handed to the sperm-shooter? 60 year old married father of 5, Donald Trump didn’t bother to wear a condom with Stormy Daniels. ImageImageImageImage Supreme Court failed in the Dobb’s decision. NO STATE SHALL DEPRIVE ANY PERSON OF LIFE, LIBERTY, PROPERTY WITHOUT DUE PROCESS; NOR DENY THE EQUAL PROTECTION OF THE LAW.

There are no STATE LAWS dictating MEN must have children. Or, # of children (see China’s one-child law). Image
May 26, 2023 6 tweets 5 min read
Supreme Court declared in Dobb’s decision:

1. 14th Amendment didn’t mean WOMEN had rights to Life, Liberty, Property.

2. Abortion NOT a right because NOT enumerated. 9th Amendment states rights MAY NOT BE DENIED because NOT enumerated.

Tell them NO. #VoteBlueNoMatterWho ImageImage 14th Amendment said “ALL PERSONS had right to LIFE, LIBERTY & PROPERTY. But, didn’t mean BLACK men, or WOMEN. We know because they had to pass 15th & 19th Amendments to clarify Blacks/Women = Persons.

TODAY, Supreme Court saying same thing: 14th Amendment doesn’t apply to WOMEN. ImageImage
May 2, 2023 13 tweets 7 min read
@HouseDemocrats @SenateDems @ewarren @BernieSanders @amyklobuchar Rather than RELIGIOUS argument re: abortion—we need a BUDGET argument. FORCING WOMEN to bear children INCREASES POOR PEOPLE and leads to GREATER TAXES on STATE Taxpayer. @MSNBC @washingtonpost @CNNPolitics How? Absent fathers & women UNABLE to feed/clothe/care for babies = KIDS IN FOSTER CARE, or KIDS living at below poverty level. MEDICAID, Housing, Food subsidies REQUIRED. States OPTING to increase population in foster care: MUST SHOULDER THE EXPENSE: WITHOUT FEDERAL ASSISTANCE.
May 1, 2023 4 tweets 4 min read
The STATE banning abortion is the LEAST involved in pregnancy/childbirth. YET:

@SenateDems @HouseDemocrats @amyklobuchar ImageImage Before Slavery/Indentured Servitude PROHIBITED (13th Amendment)—owners PAID EXPENSES (housing, food, medical costs) to gain OWNERSHIP of progeny.

INDENTURED SERVANTS had 7-yr CONTRACTs. Surrogacy & childcare are WORK for STATE without compensation. @SenateDems @HouseDemocrats ImageImageImage
Apr 30, 2023 15 tweets 6 min read
Dobbs is a violation of 14th Amendment: right to LIFE (pregnancy/childbirth INHERENTLY risky), LIBERTY (can’t leave infant ALONE), PROPERTY (Child over home). UNEQUAL: men NOT similarly handicapped by STATE. Image 14th Amendment was AMENDED ITSELF—twice. Section 2 gave WHITE MALES right to vote. Required passing 15th Amendment (oops, meant BLACK MALES, too). And 50 YEARS later (ooops, meant FEMALEs, too). Section 1 NOW NEEDS AMENDMENT. Person/Citizen MEANS women, too. Image
Oct 14, 2022 4 tweets 12 min read
@ArmyChiefStaff @USArmy @SecArmy @SecDef @thejointstaff @DeptofDefense @HASCDemocrats @HASCRepublicans Pay/Benefits of RETIRED military members may be REVOKED for certain offenses. This action DOES NOT require prosecution by civil courts. #CourtmartialFlynn @MSNBC @tribelaw @ArmyChiefStaff @USArmy @SecArmy @SecDef @thejointstaff @DeptofDefense @HASCDemocrats @HASCRepublicans Commissioned officers are commissioned for life. They remain subject to courtmartial after retirement—their pay subject to revocation if commit crimes. #CourtMartialFlynn
Oct 13, 2022 6 tweets 6 min read
@propublica How does Liu’s “courting” of Trump “fit” with Ivanka Trump’s getting trademarks approved? @MSNBC @maddow @CNNPolitics @MotherJones @RollingStone Everything Trump does: revolves around Trump Organization and MAKING MONEY. @January6thCmte @RepAdamSchiff @RepSwalwell Joey “No Socks” Cinque was described as a "small-time mobster, a scam artist, and an art fence,” in April 1995 profile in New York magazine

Yet Cinque appeared with Trump, President Elect, at New Year’s Eve party in JANUARY 2017: then President Elect.
Oct 12, 2022 4 tweets 4 min read
Big Business WANTS $$$ more than Safety or National Security. Trump was lobbied from 2015 thruout 2016 by Mike Flynn, IPR, Tom Barrack to lift 123 Agreement to enable Russia/U.S. deal to sell nuclear technology to MBS. Rex Tillerson, Exxon CEO, appointed SecofState 1 Feb ‘17. ImageImageImageImage Rex Tillerson testifies during Tom Barrack’s trial of acting as UAE/Saudi agent. Tom Barrack worked Saudi deal throughout his tenure (Apr 2016 to Apr 2018). Tillerson’s tenure as Sec of State ranged from 1 Feb 2017 to 31 Mar 2018.…
Oct 11, 2022 7 tweets 8 min read
@SecDef @DeptofDefense @SecArmy @ArmyChiefStaff @ArmyChiefStaff Has Flynn READ the U.S. National Security Strategy? U.S. is PRO-UKRAINE/GEORGIA/NATO. RUSSIA is an aggressive, cyber-hacking, nuclear proliferating CONCERN. Flynn = GEN BENEDICT ARNOLD of our time. #CourtMartialFlynn ImageImageImageImage Don’t trust me: here’s TRUMP’s 2017 National Security Strategy. REMEMBER HOW FLYNN CALLED RUSSIA ON 28 DEC 2016? Reassures Russia that Trump nearly inaugurated: he WILL lift ALL sanctions. Stay Cool. Trump responds, “Knew Russia was smart.” Apr 2017? Dance Party in Saudi. ImageImageImageImage