Charles Gaba ✡️ Profile picture
Healthcare data analysis & snark 🦋

Oct 12, 2022, 5 tweets

BOOM! Just voted YES on ⁦@mireprofreedom⁩!!

BOOM! Just voted for @ShadiaMartini for #MIHD054! #MIBlueIn22

BOOM! Just voted for @KHBforjustice & @TheBlindJustice for Michigan Supreme Court! #BernsteinAndBoldenOnTheBackOfTheBallot
(OK, they were actually on the front of mine)

BOOM! Just voted for @mrobmused & @pamlpugh for Michigan State Board of Education!

And yes, of course I voted for @GovWhitmer, @dananessel, @JocelynBenson, @JeremyAllenMoss, etc as well as YES on proposal 1 & 2...

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