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Dad. Husband. Entrepreneur. ESPN Sellaht. LIVE M-Fri 12-3ishEST. Kicked off a SuperBowl. Undefeated at WrestleMania. @CollegeGameDay’s on Saturdays in the fall.

Oct 12, 2022, 7 tweets

Ladies & gentlemen...

IT IS TIME for Everything DB with @DariusJButler


"This is one way to try & eliminate target number one" ~@DariusJButler


"I personally hate bracket coverages in the field becuase of this" ~@DariusJButler


"Here's bracket coverage once again" ~@DariusJButler


"Another interception for Jack Jones" ~@DariusJButler


"Watch Casey Hayward here" ~@DariusJButler


"This is amazing coverage from Bradberry" ~@DariusJButler


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