𝐑𝐀𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐄𝐒𝐇 𝐑𝐀𝐉𝐈𝐍𝐈 🤘ॐ†☪ Profile picture
THALAIVAR RAJINI DEVOTEE - 21-ASPIRING FILMAKER- வாழ்க்கை ஒரு சினிமா சினிமா மூன்று மணி நேரம் தான் மூன்று மணி நேரம் போல மூன்றே மூன்று பருவம் தான்🎬💌.

Oct 14, 2022, 10 tweets

Thread About @Dir_Cibi and his Fan Boyism of Thalaivar! #Jailer #Thalaivar170 #Rajinikanth

Cibi was a Engineering student. After finishing his clg he started doing Short films and joined as an Last Ad to Atlee. He worked in #Theri first. He was good at crowd management.


Within one movie he moved as First Ad in the next film #Mersal . During the foreign shoot of mersal the team has struck in foreign shoot permission issues. So Atlee sent Cibi for Recce and for permission at last minute. Cibi went to many countries and searched for the.. 2/10

...correct location along with one production exicutive on single hand. After mersal he came out from Atlee team and started searching for Oppurtunity to direct a film. The first script he wrote was DON. With that script he reached many productions and Heroes. 3/10

And after many struggles he Reached SK and the project took off. The first film itself he made with 40 crores budget with a huge starcast and technicians. And the movie collected 125 crs + . And the rest we know . 4/10

Even Though he directed a feel good emotional film, he was a great fan of Action movies and the remaining scripts he wrote were Action stories. He wanted to take Feel good DON as his first film. 5/10

And he is a Veriyan of our Thalaivar from his child hood. I've just scrolled thru his fb and insta page. He is a Pakka Rajini Veriyan who've celebrated Thalaivar on each and every instance. 6/10

Directing our Thalaivar in his 2nd film itself is a big job for him but the way some of our camp fellows underestimating him is absurd. He has all qualities to do a Rajini film. The thing is, We need a proper Script, Avlothaan Matter ! 7/10

He impressed Thalaivar with his script. So I think he have narrated a proper one line to Thalaivar. So let's hope for Best !

And DON is not a Cringe movie it had great emotional values. Online la that movie faced many trolls. But in Theater world ppl enjoyed fully. 8/10

So just Exhale Online trollers and inhale '125 crores collected BB DON'

And last thing, Thalaivar padam nadikuraaru athu pothaatha namaku?

So let's wait for #Thalaivar170 heartfully! 9/10

Congrats Anna @Dir_Cibi periya Sambavama pannunga na Thalaivar vachu 🔥💐💌 10/10

Sambavam na verum Sambavam illa Moratu Sambavama irukanum 🙏🔥

#Jailer #Thalaivar170 #Cibichakravarthy #DON twitter.com/i/web/status/1…

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