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Appeal to kuki-Zo Tribal brothers & sisters

41 days have passed
More than 100 tribal lives have been lost
Homes and villages have been burnt to ashes

Instead of helping Govt. is collaborating with Meities terrorists
#Don't Forget
#Don't Forgive

Meities are Terrorists
they burn your house
they burned your villages
they burn your churches
They raped our mothers, sisters, they killed them mercilessly 😡

They burnt alive a 7 year old tribal boy along with his mother and aunt
Barbaric 😡
They robbed your houses
They changed the names of your settlements
They called tribals infiltrators, foreigners

They beat tribal children in school and college
They ruined the education of tribal children.

They drove away the tribal children from the Imphal Valley
Read 11 tweets
Viktorija #Abramchenko, ministro dell'Agricoltura, Risorse Naturali e Ecologia della Federazione Russa:

il Lago Bajkal è ora notevolmente più pulito, sono state eliminate nove discariche e sono stati ripuliti 110 mila metri cubi di acqua di tracimazione.

1/5 Image
Sul #Volga, sono stati ripristinati 20,96 mila ettari. Secondo l'ordine del Presidente, nel 2025 verrà lanciato un unico progetto federale che coinvolgerà l'intero bacino del Volga, così come il #Don senza dimenticare i fiumi più piccoli.

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Per la prima volta in 20 anni, il tasso annuale di riforestazione in #Russia supera di un quarto l'area delle piantagioni abbattute e morte. Nel 2022, la Russia ha recuperato 1,3 milioni di foreste e ha ridotto di tre volte l'area percorsa dagli incendi.

3/5 Image
Read 5 tweets
Les riches sont-ils vraiment généreux ? 💸

Et si la suppression de l’#ISF avait rendu les plus riches un peu moins généreux ? C’est ce qu’a cherché à savoir l’Institut des politiques publiques (@IPPinfo) en analysant les #dons des plus fortunés. #thread
En 2019, les #dons philanthropiques atteignaient 3 milliards €, et sans surprise, les 1% les plus fortunés en étaient les plus gros contributeurs, composant 14,2% des #dons caritatifs et 15,5% des #dons politiques. Simple générosité ou charité intéressée ? 🤔
En France, faire un #don caritatif ou politique permet une réduction de 66% sur l’#impôt sur le revenu. Pour les personnes assujettis à l’ancien impôt sur la fortune (#ISF) et désormais à l’impôt sur la fortune immobilière (IFI), cette déduction passe à 75%.
Read 10 tweets
In 2022, Kollywood producers have largely benifited due to Red Giant movies,
I tried a long thread to explain d reason behind majority of producers keen to join hands with Red giant movies for TN release..
Do read out⏬⬇️
How does the industry work:
1. Producer sells the movie before release on a MG basis which gives him a gaurantee revenue irrespective of the performance and d risk passes to sub distributors
2. The producer releases on his own on a distribution basis means d producer takes d risk
How does Red Giant work:
Red Giant on default work on distribution basis for a commission ranging frm 5-10% on final theatrical share and handover the remaining 90-95% of the final share directly to d producer which in turn is d revenue generated for the producer from TN theatres
Read 23 tweets
இதெல்லாம் ஏன் இப்பொ சொல்றேனா?
லோக்கல் கேபிளில் மீண்டும் பார்க்கும் வாய்ப்பு வந்தது
வாழ்க்கையை தன் போக்கில் வாழும் யார் பற்றியும் கவலையற்ற ஒரு இளைஞனின் வாழ்வில்
ஒரு அநாதரவான நாய் குறுக்கிடுகிறது
சில பல காட்சிகளின் முடிவில் அந்த சார்லி என்ற நாய்க்கும்
தர்மா என்ற
இளைஞனுக்கும் ஒரு பிணைப்பு ஏற்படுகிறது தர்மாவுக்கும் வாழ்க்கையின் மீது ஒரு நம்பிக்கை வருகிறது
ஒரு கட்டத்தில் சார்லிக்கு கேன்சர் என்பதை அறிந்த தர்மராஜ் அதன் ஆசையை நிறைவேற்ற மேற்கொள்ளும் பயணம் பற்றிய கதை #சார்லி
நாய் சேகரையும்
நாய் சேகர் ரிட்டர்ன்ஸையும் பார்த்த நம் தமிழக சாரி
தமிழ்நாடு மக்களுக்கு ஒரு இளைஞனுக்கும் நாய்க்கும் உள்ள உறவை உள்ளது உள்ளபடியே காட்சிபடுத்தும் கன்னட சினிமாவை பார்த்து ஆச்சர்யம் ஏற்படுகிறது
சார்லிக்கு கேன்சர் நோய் இருப்பதை அறிந்த மறுகணமே தர்மாவுக்கு ஏற்படும் பதைபதைப்பு அதன் ஆசையை நிறைவேற்ற அவனுக்கு ஏற்படும் தடைகளை என நமக்கும்
Read 13 tweets
[17:42] Die Polizei ist mit einigen Einsatzkräften am UAC. Aktivist*innen versperren ihnen den Weg. Cops, verzieht euch — das ist eine angemeldete, legale Veranstaltung!

[17:52] Schweres Gerät, inkl. Räumpanzer, scheinen sich aus Lützi zurück zu ziehen.
[17:59] Rund um UAC hat es viel Polizei. Der Hauptzugang wird durch Polizei mit Helm bewacht. Kein Zugang. Zugang über Kuckum Sportplatz weiterhin möglich.
[EA Info] Im Krankenhaus müsst ihr bei akuten/schweren Verletzungen auch behandelt werden, wenn ihr keine Personalien angebt! Medizinisches Personal muss/darf Daten nicht an Polizei weitergeben (Schweigepflicht), tut das aber trotzdem oft.
Read 6 tweets
@chainlink is one of the most important, yet least understood, pillars of the #crypto ecosystem

It currently serves a vital role for DeFi, NFTs and L1s/L2s, and may ultimately be the unifying layer of #Web3

Here’s why $LINK token has the potential to 50x to 100x


🧵 Image

Chainlink is a “decentralized oracle network” that allows blockchains to connect to real-world data (we’ll explain this in a second)

It has a market cap of $3.6B, FDV of $7.2B and its $LINK token trades at $7.15

During the last #crypto bull market, the price exceeded $50

This thread will cover the following:

• What is an oracle?

• What problem does Chainlink solve?

• How does it work?

• What is Chainlink 2.0?

• Who are the key players in the ecosystem?

• What are its #tokenomics?

• What’s the potential value of #LINK?
Read 41 tweets
Thread About @Dir_Cibi and his Fan Boyism of Thalaivar! #Jailer #Thalaivar170 #Rajinikanth

Cibi was a Engineering student. After finishing his clg he started doing Short films and joined as an Last Ad to Atlee. He worked in #Theri first. He was good at crowd management.

Within one movie he moved as First Ad in the next film #Mersal . During the foreign shoot of mersal the team has struck in foreign shoot permission issues. So Atlee sent Cibi for Recce and for permission at last minute. Cibi went to many countries and searched for the.. 2/10
...correct location along with one production exicutive on single hand. After mersal he came out from Atlee team and started searching for Oppurtunity to direct a film. The first script he wrote was DON. With that script he reached many productions and Heroes. 3/10
Read 10 tweets
In cinemas today (13/5)..

#JayeshbhaiJordaar (Hindi)
#SawaSerGehun (Hindi)
#PawPatrol : #TheMovie (English)
#Don (Tamil, Telugu)
#Ranga (Tamil)
#SelfieMummyGooglDaddy (Kannada)
#CriticalKeertanegalu (Kannada)
#KasthuriMahal (Kannada)
#Athyuttama (Kannada)
#JoAndJo (Malayalam)
In cinemas today (13/5)..

#PathamValavu (Malayalam)
#MeriAwasSuno (Malayalam)
#Dharmaveer (Marathi)
#IAmSorry (Marathi)
#Samrenu (Marathi)
#Surrshevat (Marathi)
#SultanShambhuSubhedar (Marathi)
#MrTokyokar (Marathi)
#AdkoDadko (Gujarati)
#Family (Gujarati)
In cinemas today (13/5)..

#SaunkanSaunkne (Punjabi)
#Aparajito (Bengali)
#Hridpindo (Bengali)
#LocalUtpaat (Assamese)
#KoMeiJongNGA (Khasi)
#ChalHatKonoDekhLihi (Chhattisgarhi)
#ShaadiHoToAisi (Bhojpuri)
Read 4 tweets
1. Il parlamento istituisce la "Giornata degli #Alpini" per celebrare la data della sconfitta dell'esercito di invasione nazifascista (con generosa partecipazione italiana) in #Russia durante la #WW2 ad opera dell'Armata Rossa. A quale "eroismo" ci si riferisce? Image
2. Il revisionismo di un Paese incapace di fare i conti con le proprie responsabilità storiche: il tema emerge ogni anno in occasione del #10febbraio - rimozione delle politiche di italianizzazione forzata e di sterminio commesse dagli italiani fin al 1918 in #Friuli e #Istria.
3. Ma che emerge anche nelle distorsioni: perché la #GiornataDellaMemoria è il 27 gennaio - liberazione di #Auschwitz da parte dei sovietici nel '45 - e non il 16 ottobre - rastrellamento ghetto ebraico di #Roma nel '43? E ora in questa "giornata degli alpini".
Read 9 tweets
[Thread] Day43 du défi #From0To10K

Voici un récap complet sur le défi et les gains #crypto réalisé avec les plateformes utilisées. Je ne peux pas être plus transparent.

Enfilez vos moufles, asseyez vous @AuCoinduBloc avec la verveine, nous avons un tas de choses à aborder !
Pour les personnes qui n'ont pas suivi le défi #From0To10K depuis le début, sachez que le défi a officiellement démarré le 27 Août 2021.

Le défi qui a démarré par un #ban temporaire de mon compte à cause des nombreux tweets...

Ca deviendra tôt ou tard un #NFT cette histoire !
Le changement de cap du défi #From0To10K

A la base, ce défi avait pour objectif de #gagner 10 000$ en ne partant de rien.

L'objectif était de vous donner les #astuces et mes façons de procéder pour faire vos propres bénéfices mais j'ai du réduire le rythme et réviser mes plans.
Read 26 tweets
Salut 🐦 !
1er thread pour parler don de moelle osseuse parce qu'en faisant mon don j'ai remarqué que ce n'est pas si connu et qu'il y a quelques idées fausses... si ça peut en motiver certains, tant mieux !
Premier thread, accrochez-vous !
@ag_biomedecine #médecine
1⃣ La Moelle Osseuse (MO) ce n'est PAS la moelle épinière (là où passe les fibres nerveuses centrales). Le don de MO n'entraine PAS de paralysie car le prélèvement ne se fait PAS dans les vertèbres ! 🙅‍♀️
2⃣ La MO c'est la productrice de toutes les cellules du sang (globules rouges, plaquettes, globules blancs). Parfois ça marche pas comme prévu et là on a des maladies comme les leucémies. Mais parfois le pb c'est juste une lignée qui ne marche pas ex #drépanocytose
Read 26 tweets
Thread of writers, intellectuals, journalists who have questioned the official 9/11 narrative.

Feel free to drop more examples below, ideally with link
GORE VIDAL: "Will the suspects please line up...The United States? Elements of corporate America would undeniably prosper from a 'massive external attack' that would make it possible for us to go to war whenever the President sees fit..."…
PETER DALE SCOTT: "They were telling us right away who had done [9/11] without having an investigation…This is a crime but they're not investigating it as a crime. They've already solved the crime…it was very much like the JFK assassination."
Read 38 tweets
NEVER USE Cotton bud, Broom stick, Biro, Needles, etc to remove EARWAX INSIDE YOUR EAR.

#DON'T, I repeat DON'T!

Earwax may may seen dirty but it has several functions in our body.


A Thread 👇
Your ears usually do a good job cleaning themselves & Don’t need any Extra care.

The only reason you should clean them is to soften or remove earwax from the outside of your ear canals. And if you’re going to do that, you’ll need to know how to do it carefully.


- The Ear produces a substance called CERUMEN (Earwax). It’s NORMAL for your body to produce it, and it actually helps PROTECT and LUBRICATE your ears.

- If you didn’t have earwax, your ears would probably be ITCHY and DRY.

Read 10 tweets
Beetle Juice it is ..

Pressing play in 10 minutes. I gotta change this diaper real Quick, It's Fully Loaded.
12 000 Remember, Zero =1 ...
(3) Zero's = what? Image
Read 7 tweets
An all time low for an Irish Government has been hit. By pure chance this afternoon I noticed what appeared to be a Government motion to ratify the deeply controversial EU Canada Trade Deal #CETA next Tuesday 15 Dec. Yes the one with the dreaded #ICS #ISDS clauses. Yes its true -
#CETA which so many #Greens had expressed opposition to... the one which leaves us massively exposed to claims from foreign investors .. the one we fear will create a regulatory chill making the Government even more reluctant to take effective #ClimateActions the one ..
Mairead McGuinness said could damage #Irishfarming and which we'd need to have a safeguard clause and consider a compo package for .. the day AFTER she voted for it in the EU Parliament…
.. a nice killer blow now on top of the #Brexit
Read 12 tweets
En fait, pour transformer l'#économie #libérale en économie #anarchiste, il faut et il suffit :
▶️ De remplacer le concept actuel de #propriété par le concept de propriété "occupancy & use" (#mutuellisme) : ne nous appartient en propre que ce qu'on occupe et utilise personnellement. C'est probablement le concept qui serait prévalent en l'absence d'#État, de façon spontanée.
▶️ De compléter le concept d'#échange comme #contrat avec celui d'échange comme #don / contre-don, donc sans obligation morale de réciprocité, et de le promouvoir. En outre, sans #État, aucun contrat (dont les échanges comme #contrats) ne serait plus #exécutoire par la #force.
Read 8 tweets
#anarchisme #libéralisme #libertarianisme #économie #propriété #don #contredon #Graeber #étatisme #échange #monnaie #capitalisme

Ne laissons pas aux (pro-)#capitalistes libéraux·les, "libertarien·ne·s", "anar"caps le #monopole de la #liberté #économique.

Thread :
Je suis #anarchiste.

Pas "anar"cap. Véritablement anarchiste.

L'anarchisme est un mouvement qui prône l'abolition de l’#État, du #capitalisme, du cléricalisme, et des systèmes de domination basés sur l'identité (patriarcat, privilège blanc,… voire spécisme).

J'adhère à ça.
L'#anarchisme est donc pour un maximum de #liberté pour tou·te·s et chacun·e.

Certes, il prône souvent la #coopération entre les #individus, mais ça n'est jamais au mépris de leur #émancipation personnelle. Au contraire.
Read 27 tweets
✂️La saviez-vous ? Vous pouvez donner vos #cheveux pour aider les personnes précaires atteintes de #cancer. Dans cette fiche, je détaille le pourquoi du comment. Ça fait + de 2 ans que je laisse pousser pour pouvoir faire ce #don. ^^ N'hésitez pas à en parler ! ♥ #solidarité Image
Associations mentionnées dans la fiche > Fake Hair Don't care :
Read 5 tweets
Donald Trump, 1800'lerden Günümüze Gelen Bir Zaman Yolcusu Olabilir mi?

Gülerek okurken verilerin aşırı örtüştüğünü görünce korkarak devam edeceğiniz, beyin yakan bir komplo teorisi.
trump'ın zaman yolcusu olabileceği fikri, ilginç ve eğlenceli bir komplo teorisi. türkçesini ingilizcemiz yettiğince madde madde buraya şeyapalım.
kongre kütüphanesinin websitesinden 1893'te yazılmış olan şu kitaba denk geliniyor
Read 16 tweets
"The official asked the Thais for help—only to be informed by the puzzled voices on the other side of the line that a U.S. shipment of the same supplies, the second of two so far, was already on its way to Bangkok."…
"The administration has also placed a moratorium on overseas shipments of USAID’s stockpiles of protective gear and is asking that the equipment be sent to the U.S. instead"
USAID: “They’re really trying to walk a fine line between making sure Americans get everything they need and then starting to provide assistance elsewhere, and the vice president’s oversight is slowing down the decision-making process"
Read 2969 tweets
The states are still not taking this pandemic serious enough. Setting up a room of cots makes for good pictures, but there remains massive voids in the medical supply chain & contingencies of public services. None of them are taking on that bigger problem. The feds aren't coming. ImageImage
POTUS activated the reserve today. The details are sparse. "Exactly which individuals will be recalled were not immediately released... the executive order regarding the move said officials could recall up to 1 million individuals for up to 2 years"…
"Army officials said that more than 9,000 former soldiers with medical training expressed interest in assisting with the coronavirus pandemic efforts.... More than 12300 Army National Guard and Air National Guard have already been mobilized in recent days to help state officials"
Read 3000 tweets
#LASAINTEBIBLE|#Hébreux6:1-3,4-20«1C'est pourquoi,laissant les éléments de LA #Parole de #CHRIST,tendons à ce qui est #Parfait,sans poser de nouveau LE #Fondement du #Renoncement aux œuvres mortes,[]»#AMEN,#Maranatha,#MerciJÉSUS


#LASAINTEBIBLE|#Hébreux6:1-3,4-20«1 C'est pourquoi, laissant les éléments de LA #Parole de #CHRIST, *tendons* à ce qui est #Parfait, sans poser de #Nouveau LE #Fondement du #Renoncement aux #œuvres #mortes,
2 de LA #Foi en DIEU, de LA #Doctrine des #Baptêmes, de L'#Imposition des mains, de LA #Résurrection des #morts, et du #Jugement éternel.

3 C'est ce que *nous ferons*, *si DIEU le permet*.
Read 15 tweets

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