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Oct 14, 2022, 19 tweets

Lamont Michael Perez Evans, 05/17/1989. Lengthy history of felony convictions, yet on his 6th felony conviction, for felon in possession of a firearm, he was tossed a plea deal & rec'd a downward sentencing departure by Judge Ellen L. Maas.

MN is totes serious abt gun crime.

MN prosecutors & @MNCourts are not serious about gun & violent crimes.
Juvenile felon Ridge Kinney stole 9 guns in a home invasion. He was tossed a plea deal dismissing all the felon in possession chgs AND rec'd a stayed sentence. Charged in another home invasion 5 mos later.

Dakotah Lee Eastman
Oct 2019: Convicted on Felony Theft of Firearm
Rec'd stay-of-imposition by Judge Shawn M Moynihan, credit for time served & spun out. Warrants issued twice for probation violations, plus several warrants in a drug case. Still his probation is not revoked.

Malcolm Edwards who is prohibited from possessing firearms was convicted on being a felon in possession of a firearm. His 5-year sentence was stayed in a downward departure & ZERO time to serve. He violated probation twice w/i weeks. Still not revoked.

Gerald Darius Smith is charged w multiple violent gun felonies. He was supposedly found "incompetent" to stand trial. So @MNCourts RELEASED HIM INTO THE PUBLIC TO CONTINUE VICTIMIZING. Now arrested after fleeing police in a stolen vehicle.

@MNCourts 54/
Antwan/won Marlo Davis had about 40 convictions when he was charged with felon in possession/firearm.
His 60-mos sentence was stayed.
NINE DAYS LATER, Davis committed a home invasion robbery & stabbed a man; sentence also stayed.
Probation not revoked on the gun conviction.

Jerome Lee Swanson, 21, of Ham Lake was tossed a Dakota Co plea deal in 2020 dismissing a felony stolen firearm charge & staying a felony auto theft conviction.
Eight months later, he shot a man in #Mpls during a carjacking. @MNCourts are not serious.…

@MNCourts 56/
Minnesota is totally serious about gun crime.

Chronic offender Guntallwon Brown was convicted in two separate gun cases in two counties in two months.

Slap on the wrist in both cases. Spun out the door.

Probation violations in both cases + new charges, still not revoked.

@MNCourts 57/
Ramsey County plea deal and a downward departure on sentencing leaves Green Line LRT shooter Jacquez Jamarr Green FREE after being charged with attempted murder and 2nd degree assault.

Because Minnesota and @MNCourts are totally serious about gun crime.

Roger J. Wells was convicted in Aug 2021 for the 2nd time in 6 years on felon/possession/gun.
Sentenced to 60 mos.
HOWEVER, sentence was stayed by Judge Reynaldo A. Aligada, Jr.
Wells died in a high-speed traffic crash on Mon.
If @MNCourts had done their job, he’d be alive.

Roger Wells was also charged in November with four counts related to DWI and driving after revocation.

Yet, he was not probation violated on the gun case even though the terms of his probation prohibited alcohol/drug use and required him to remain law abiding.

Double Fail.

@MNCourts are not serious about gun crime.
Christopher Mark Olson was convicted in Dec 2019 on felon/possess/firearm, but his 60-mos sentence was stayed by Judge Tim D. Wermager.
Today, Olson was charged w felon in possession + drugs after fighting w St. Paul cops on Monday.

@MNCourts 60/
WANTED DOUBLE MURDER SUSPECT Martin Orea was tossed a plea deal on a gun charge in 2017 amending a carry gun violation to misdemeanor illegal transport/gun while hunting... in St. Paul... with a revolver... in April.

@MNCourts and prosecutors are a joke and a farce.

Felon Jacob Ronald Lewis was found with a loaded gun during a traffic stop, plus drugs and other people's wallets, IDs and checkbooks. He was tossed a plea deal by Ramsey County and a stayed 60-mos prison sentence on felon in possession of a firearm by Judge Paul Yang.

Rolling 30s Bloods gang member Shantaello Leon Christianson was charged with felon in possession of a firearm & 2nd degree riot in 2013.
Felon in possession was dismissed and the 17 mos riot conviction was stayed.
He continued his criminal lifestyle.

Lifelong offender Theng Yang had 11 adult convictions including 4 felonies plus 2 juvenile violent felonies when he was allowed to serve 2 felon in possession/gun sentences concurrently. Now 8 felonies later, he's newly charged w felon in possession.

This is the third time Theng Yang has been charged with felon in possession of a firearm (plus numerous other felonies). It's time for @DMNnews to step in and do the job that @MNCourts refuse to do and charge him as a career criminal.

Shawn Franklin Sunt, #NEMPLS history.
A repeat/violent/chronic offender we've posted several times.

17 prior convictions including 11 felony convictions since 2014--most stayed, others concurrent including a gun crime.

Your system isn't working. #3StrikesMN

Brandon Pierre Johnson, 02/25/1989, a perp we've previously posted was granted a downward dispositional departure on a conviction for felon in possession of a firearm by Judge Tanya M. Bransford.
He's now federally charged with conspiracy to distribute fentanyl.

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