Moss Robeson 🇵🇸 Profile picture
“Twitter user Moss Robeson positions himself as an independent researcher of Ukrainian fascism & Nazism … Who is behind this account is not known for certain.”

Oct 14, 2022, 12 tweets

NAFO founder Kamil Dyszewski (@Kama_Kamilia) is an antisemitic gamer from Poland

The original "fella" is a Nazi? What a surprise

NAFO founder

Just a "fella" trying to "fit in" and "mess with people."

What a surprise, the "fellas" don't care at all

Update: NAFO founder @Kama_Kamilia has locked his account. But will he keep his full-time job at NAFO's "parent company" @saintjavelin? @ItsBorys

Update: @Kama_Kamilia's NAFO cult doesn't care about his Holocaust denial, but just to go the extra mile for them, he's made a donation to Auschwitz

Coping with NAFOgate

NAFO dogs: "Kama is based. End of story."

Update: some of the 2,883 "jokes" that NAFO founder @Kama_kamilia deleted yesterday

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